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Q: What organisms release carbon dioxide by feeding on dead organic mater such as plants and animals?
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What incorporation of carbon dioxide into organic compounds?

Carbon fixation is the process by which carbon from carbon dioxide is incorporated into organic compounds.Specifically, fixation describes a conversion from inorganic to organic. The process is carried out by living organisms. Organisms known as autotrophs - e.g., plants - will grow by conducting carbon-fixing photosynthesis. Others known as heterotrophs - e.g., animals - will grow by using an autotroph's fixed carbon.

What organic material is in soil?

This organic material is made up of living organisms such as plants and animals, dead plants and animals, and nutrients that have come from decomposed plants and animals.

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Organisms that manufacture organic nutrients are called?

Organisms that manufacture organic nutrients from inorganic substances, such as carbon dioxide, are called primary producers. They are also referred to as autotrophs.

How do heterotrophs get energy?

Heterotrophs get energy by ingesting organic material (such as plants or meat). Autotrophs get energy by using inorganic material to make organic materials.

What is the role for a decomposer?

Decomposers eat things by breaking down this remaining organic matter by breaking it into pieces. Decomposers eventually convert all organic matter into carbon dioxide (which they respire) and nutrients. This releases raw nutrients (such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and magnesium) in a a form usable to plants

Is carbon dioxide an example of an organism?

No. It is an organic chemical but not an organism, because it can not reproduce itself.

Who uses photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is used for food for plants Photosynthesis is used for production of organic compounds from carbon dioxide and water. These organic compounds serve as food material to plants and animals.

How is energy cycled in life?

Autotrophs (like plants) make sugars from simple molecules like carbon dioxide with use of solar energy, they synthetise proteines from not-organic nitrogen, so basically they make organic material from not organic particles.Then plant eaters eat plants to gain the sugars, presynthetised amino acids ect. to build their own organisms. Carnivores then feed on plant eaters, because they have less efficient digestive systems and are only able acquire nurishment from other animals' tissues. At the end when an animal dies bacteria and fungi are feeding on the corpse by breaking down organic compounds to simple molecules like carbon dioxide, thus the circle is complete.

What is heterotrophic feeding?

heterotrophic gets energy from carbon dioxide im not totally sure on this but pretty sure The above answer is wrong. Hetero means "other" and trophic means "feeding", so heterotrophs feed on other living things.