

What part of the National Guard doesnt go to war?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What part of the National Guard doesnt go to war?
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What does the National Guard do in wartime?

They get deployed, as well. For a good part of the war in Iraq, National Guard and reserve troops actually were the majority of military personnel in-country.

Is the civil war part of the branches of service?

The Civil War was a war not a branch of the service. The branches of service are Marines, Army, Navy and Air Force. There is also the National Guard and the Coast Guard.

What historical event took place in Arizona?

wwI,civil war in Arizona,the birth of the national guard and the border incident

Does the army National Guard actually go to war?

well 70% of the soldiers in Iraq right now are National Guardsmen, they are among the best trained for a reason Well...70% of the forces in the Iraqi war are Army National Guard, Army National Guard was also in a very important war...called the Revolutionary war, thanks to that war, America is it's own country, so yeah... the Army National Guard is kind of involved...this is exactly why schools should have military history classes.

When did the national guards mission change to include going to wars?

The National Guard's mission changed to include going to wars with the passing of the National Defense Act of 1916. This act authorized the federalization of the National Guard in times of war or national emergency, allowing them to be deployed overseas. Since then, the National Guard has served in various conflicts, including World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Where can you find a handbook for the National Guard?

Try the Imperial War Museum. Or any war related museum.

Are National Guard firefighters sent to war?

If that job title is needed, yes.

Is the job of National Guard very dangerous?

It can be depending on what job you are performing especially in war.

What president of the US was an artillery commander in the Mississippi's National Guard?

The only President that I know of that was a Commander of an artillery unit in the National Guard was Harry S. Truman, who was the Commander of 129th Field Artillery, Missouri Army National Guard, in 1918, During World War 1.

Is it right to be drafted from the National Guard?

People used to join the Guard for just that reason: to stay out of the regular Army that got shipped overseas and not used to bolster a destroyed dying military the way they are used now in Iraq.

What did the home guard do in world war 2?

The home guard is a state militia that replaces the National Guard when off to war. During WW2, it protected armories, water reservoirs, and other areas deemed sensitive to possible sabatoge.

What function is served by the National Guard Armory?

The National Guard Armory served the army during the war in supplying them armors and other weapons but now many armories have been converted into schools or studios for film making.