

Best Answer

Use sinus rinse and gargle often. Take medication for your nasal symptoms if you have Allergies or come down with cold. Don't be kissing on anyone who is ill at that time , or running a fever. brush your teeth regularity and blow your nose if you have mucus in it. drink plenty of water. Hope this helps!

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Q: What prevents infections in the nose and mouth?
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What cause nose and mouth to bleed?

Infections, diseases, physically beaten by others, and more.

Why do you have to blow your nose if its runny and dripping into your mouth?

No one would like the feel of a runny nose and allowing it to drip into one's mouth. The nose hairs catch bateria from the air so to allow the dripping to enter the mouth it could cause infections.

Why should you breath with your nose not with your mouth?

Your nose is much better at protecting your body from germs due to hair follicles and mucus. Your mouth does not contain these defense mechanisms and is therefore more susceptible to infections.

What does the nose and mouth do?

The nose breathe air in. Sometimes you do the same with the mouth.

What you the disease caused by lack of vitamin a?

eye infections eyes, night blindness bone defect, infection of the lining of nose, mouth, throat and skin.

What do you exhale through your nose and mouth?

You can breath through your nose or mouth.

What directional term describes the nose to the mouth?

The nose is above the mouth.

Where does air enters your body?

Through your nose and mouth.

What are the nose and throat infections?


Why cover mouth and nose in infants during CPR?

Yes you should cover the infants mouth and nose with your mouth when performing CPR on an infant.

Mouth to mouth is or mouth to nose should normly?

its mouth to mouth when the oral cavity is not obstructed or there isn't blood for eg, but when the oral cavity is obstructed then is mouth to nose

Is drawing eyes nose and mouth bad?

it is bad to draw eyes and mouth and nose