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As with much household waste, plastic plates degrade very slowly due to the large hydrocarbon chains that are very difficult to break down. They take Millions of years to degarade releasing harmful gases into the atmosphere!

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it creates pollution when being made

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Q: What problems can you have with plastic?
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What are some of the dangers of plastic surgery liposuction?

Some of the dangers of plastic surgery liposuction include complications that can lead to disfigurement, numbness, infection, bad bruising, pulmonary embolism, kidney or heart problems, and even death.

What are problems caused by plastic bags?

Plastic bags themselves have no harmful effects - the polymer itself, low density polythene, is perfectly safe, it's stable, non reactive, and non toxic. The problems that are frequently attributed to plastic bags (littering, the fact that they get entangled in trees, the fact that animals sometimes try to eat them and choke on them, the fact that they can end up in the sea and harm marine life) is nothing to do with the fact that they are plastic bags. It is entirely due to the fact that people don't handle them properly! You can take any substance, or item, however safe it might be, and handle it in a completely irresponsible way, and you will have problems, but that isn't the fault of the substance or item, is it? Carelessly throw hot coffee over someone and there will be harmful effects. Does that mean we should ban coffee?

What is plastic pipes made out of?

Plastic.. Depends what type, but plastic pipes are made from plastic. :)

What are kind of plastic are plastic spoons made out of?

The plastic used to make a plastic spoon is usually a thermoplastic called polypropylene. A plastic spoon would be made in the process called injection molding, where thermoplastic resin is injected into a metal die, containing a cavity in the shape of a spoon. Thermoplastics are a type of plastic where they can be formed using heat to soften and melt them. Polypropylene would be specifically chosen for a spoon because it has the properties of higher heat tolerance, meaning the spoon could be used to stir a hot cup of coffee without problems. Usually food grade PP is used for spoon. Besides PP, PS is also used. IF any interest in buying plastic spoon moulds, pls contact

What types of plastic cladding will stand up to high winds?

The types of plastic cladding that will stand up to high winds are the types that are designed for external use. These are more designed to deal with natural weather such as wind, rain or snow without causing damage or problems to the house or building it is on.

Related questions

Why does the disposal of most of your plastic waste cause problems?

because most of our plastic waste is non biodegradable

What are the problems with plastic?

paper is just so much better

How did Michael Jackson overcome hisnose problems?

plastic surgery

How did Maradona Overcome his problems?

Maradona had many problems. As to I can say, he went for plastic surgery after getting bitten by his dog

What does the supermarket help to reduce the problems with plastic carrier bags?

they charge for the plastic bags hoping you will reuse your old ones

How do you control problems caused by plastic?

Nasir City Cairo Egypt

What are the problems created when plastic is burned?

When we burn plastic it releases black smoke which is a very harmful gas and causes air pollution

How could the environmental problems could be dealt with?

The environmental problems are solved by using less vehicles,cutting less trees,by using less plastic made things like polythene,plastic bottles etc.

When you get plastic surgery can you still produce milk?

Yes ... although there occasionally are problems

How can you stop plastic problems?

On radio, posters,ads,newspapers,sell,sale

Is teenage plastic surgery dangerous?

Some teenagers believe plastic surgery is a quick fix for their physical, and in turn, their emotional problems, and this simply is not the case

What are the 3 ways in which plastics are disposed and what are the problems that plastic can cause to the environment?

You could shut up....