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Have you ever done drugs is one that if you can't take a lie detector test to prove you aren't getting a job.

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Q: What questions are asked to a previous employer in a FBI background investigation for employment with the FBI?
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Related questions

What questions are a prospective employer allowed to ask a previous employer in the state of Texas?

Background checks are unregulated.

Why would someone conduct an online background check?

Someone might conduct an online background check to verify information provided by a candidate, such as employment history or criminal record. It can also be used to ensure the safety and security of an individual or organization before entering into a business or personal relationship.

What can you do to pass a criminal background check that has felonies?

To potentially pass a criminal background check with felonies, you can be honest about your past convictions, provide evidence of rehabilitation, such as completion of counseling or community service, and emphasize any positive steps taken to move forward and lead a law-abiding life. Additionally, obtaining a certificate of rehabilitation or seeking legal advice may help improve your chances of passing the background check.

Military background check?

A military background check may be done before the interview. Be prepared to answer any questions that the employer will find on the check.

In the state of Virginia can a employer legally bar you from employment because you have a criminal background?

Regardless of the state, no employer is required to hire anyone whom they do not wish to hire. It is not a civil rights issue.

Can you sue your employer if you were fired for an incorrect background check?

Yes, you may be able to sue your employer if you were fired based on an incorrect background check. It may be considered wrongful termination if your employer failed to conduct a proper background check or relied on inaccurate information. Consult with an employment lawyer to better understand your rights and options in this situation.

What employers look for in background checks?

The goal of a company is to find out as much as they can about the skills and behaviors an applicant will bring to an organization.An employer is basically trying to establish whether you will be a good fit for the organization and what type of risk you might pose to that organization.Most employer background checks focus on employment history, educational background, credit history, motor vehicle history and criminal background. Employment and educational background checks verify information that employees have provided in resumes and on Job Applications.

Can you sue an employer if they denied you employment based on a discharge on your background that was under the first offender act of Georgia?

It depends on what kind of job you are applying for.

How do I find out who someone is employed by?

To find out who someone is employed by ask them. If you have their consent, you may call and verify employment with the stated employer. A background check that includes last known employment may be out of date.

Does an employer have to pay unemployment if you are found guilty of a felony?

No they do not. <><> First, it is not the employer, but the state who would pay the benefits. Second, if the employer claimed you were found guilty of any crime, it would be up to the state's employment security officer's investigation/determination as to the facts and the resultant denial.

Does Hyatt in Texas check references before hiring housekeepers?

The Hyatt has a policy to check references and to run background checks. This policy protects the business and guests alike. Keep in mind that a previous employer can only verify employment and the dates of employment. A former employer can answer "yes" or "no" to the question "would you rehire?" Otherwise, a former employer cannot comment.

Can an employer ask about your medical exam?

It may have been a condition of your employment, the employer may have paid for it, in which case the employer has the right to know the results as they may affect you in your employment.