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Why should they?

They all have different reasons.... but when you ask a believer why they believe, they will often not be able to explain and fall back on saying "because I have faith" or "because The Bible tells me to".... but they can't say why the Bible should be accepted/believed. Answer: Think of all the reasons you do not believe in Zeus, Odin, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Manitou, elves, fairies, monsters under the bed, and many more. These reasons work just as well for belief in Jesus

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15y ago
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14y ago

because they are scared of all the mighty things he can do and that they are will be judged for the wrong things they have done wrong

because of unbelief, not having faith in anything but self and what the world could give.

Or , Christians to give a testimony to an individual with authority from His word, to show Love , Peace , Joy in the Lord. Then they reject the truth and move on into their dailey blindness until one day they shall see the true Light.

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14y ago

i dont


Another answer:

Jesus is a factual, historical figure. The belief in him, as a person, is usually not in question, and sometimes people think of him as a prophet..

However, often, when people say they 'don't believe in Jesus' , they mean they don't believe he was the son of God, or the Messiah (the anointed one who would 'save man from his sins').

Some don't believe him to be the prophesied Messiah, spoken of in the 'Old Testament' and there are a few reasons for this:

-they feel he failed to accomplish what the Messiah was supposed to do

-they often know very little about Jesus

-they judge Jesus by those who CALL themselves 'Christian', but do not behave in a Christian way.

On the other hand, for many people, when they sincerely look at the evidence in the Bible and study the prophecies about Messiah, and compare them to what Jesus did , it provides scriptural proof and unswerving faith that he WAS infact, the foretold Messiah, that he IS God's son, and that he WILL accomplish all God sent him to do.

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11y ago

Two parts to this one: not believing he existed, and not believing he is the son of God/savior of humanity/the guy who turns convicts good.

It's not likely that he existed because there is no real historical record of him existing. All evidence of his existence is heresay - all are works written by other people. Other prophets, such as Muhammed, Buddha, etc. wrote their own writings and have many artifacts, remnants of dwellings, and contemporary historical writings. Most, if not all, of the writings about Jesus came about long after the life of Jesus from people who had no personal relationship with him. Additionally, there is no Roman record of Pontius Pilate executing a man named Jesus.

Those who choose not to believe in Jesus may believe in another form of religion (Buddhists, Taoists, Muslims, Jews, Jains, etc) or they simply do not believe in tales that are considered "myths" in other ancient religions.

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13y ago

Because people do not want to believe in Jesus. Full stop. This is according to his word:

"He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." (Jn.3.18,19).

When Jesus raised Lazarus from the grave, many believed in Him, but some went off to plot with the Pharisees and chief priests of the Jews to kill Christ. See John 11:45-53.

Some people do not believe in any religion and consider them all equally invalid and purely superstition.

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12y ago

if you're asking why atheists exist it's because they want to make a rational decision in what to believe in and once they discover that there isn't any evidence for the bible or jesus christ or any other religion for that matter they decide to not believe in it.

Keep in mind that Atheism is the lack of belief, so most aren't saying there is no god, they're just saying there's no reason to believe.

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8y ago

Jesus said that his second coming would occur within many of his followers' lifetimes. Justice would be established. This did not happen within any of his followers lifetime. We're still waiting!!!

People choose to disbelieve all kinds of things, even that Jesus is real. They also deny what they know to be true --- such as trivial things like driving fast is dangerous or doing drugs is stupid.

It's just a human fallacy, to not believe what we don't want to believe. The evidence is there. Jesus is real. So, the only logical explanation would be that people either don't know about Him or choose not to believe. It really is that simple. A lot of people don't believe because they don't have faith. Anathor reason is because they don't want to turn away from their wickod ways. For example, they don't want to give up cursing, stealing, lieing, and so on.

Some people don't believe in Jesus and God because they don't want another person controlling their lives and they just don't want to believe it

Well, because they have a brain in their heads. To believe in JC as God, one would have to suspend reason, experience, and common sense. So the anwer as to WHY people believe in Jesus Christ would be: because they would rather have someone else do their thinking for them.

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10y ago
A:Only Christians believe that Jesus is Lord, because this claim goes against their own beliefs. Buddhists, Hindus, Jews and Muslims respect the beliefs of Christians, but simply find no reason to adopt those beliefs themselves. Atheists, while also respecting the beliefs of Christians, do not regard Jesus as in any way divine or having ever had any power over humanity.


G. K. Chesterton once said: "The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried."

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8y ago

Some people do not believe in Jesus because they have their own religion, and Jesus does not play a part in that religion.

Some people were brought up as Christians but took the trouble to explore the Bible and the teachings of the Church, arriving at the conclusion that Christianity is based on mythology and legend. They have decided either that Jesus never really existed or that he was merely a wandering preacher around whom legends were woven.

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7y ago

Jewish answer: According to our tradition, the vast majority of the Jews at the time didn't hear of him. The Torah-sages (Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai, Rabbi Yonatan ben Uziel, Chanina ben Dosa, Bava ben Buta, Shimon ben Hillel, Rabbi Eliezer, Rabbi Yehoshua, Rabbi Akiva, and hundreds of others) were active at that time and their yeshivot (Torah-academies) were flourishing. Their tens of thousands of disciples and hundreds of thousands of sympathizers were active in the Jewish world in that generation; they were the leaders and the forefront of Judaism. As Josephus (Antiquities book 18) writes, "the cities give great attestations to them." The great majority of Jews loved their sages and their Torah.
The unlearned class of the Amei-haaretz (ignoramuses) was a small fringe of society, but even they would and did lay down their lives in order not to violate anything of the Torah. As one ancient historian famously wrote:
Hecateus declares again, "what regard we [Jews] have for our laws; and we resolve to endure anything rather than transgress them." And he adds: "They [Jews] may be stripped on this account, and have torments inflicted upon them, and be brought to the most terrible kinds of death, but they meet these tortures after an extraordinary manner, beyond all other people, and will not renounce the religion of their forefathers."

No one (even any of them who did hear of Jesus) - would have given any consideration to what was and is considered unacceptable for us. The few who came in contact with him soon lost interest, and the early Christians felt the need to turn to non-Jewish centers of population in order to gain adherents, while the Jews remained Jews.

In Judaism, Jesus was a regular human being who lived in olden times, and is not part of Jewish religious belief.

(See: What do Jews believe God is like?)

We may also note that according to our tradition, prophecy ceased about 340 years before the birth of Jesus; and public miracles stopped even earlier.

Here is a related topic:
The word "messiah" is the transliterated form of the Hebrew "moshiach." The word moshiach means "anointed." The title of moshiach was given to any person who was appropriately anointed with oil as part of their initiation to their service of God. We have had a number of meshichim (plural) in the form of kings and priests. There need be nothing supernatural about a moshiach.
This being said, there is a prophecy of a future moshiach. However, this is a relatively minor topic in Judaism and the Tanakh.
The Jewish requirements of the messiah have not yet been fulfilled. They are:
* Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26-28).
* Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5-6).
* Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred and oppression. "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, nor shall they learn war any more" (Isaiah 2:4).
* Spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel, which will unite humanity as one. "God will be King over all the world. On that day, God will be One and His Name will be One" (Zechariah 14:9).
* The messiah must be descended on his father's side from King David (Genesis 49:10 and Isaiah 11:1).
* The messiah will lead the Jewish people to full Torah-observance. The Torah states that all of its mitzvot (commands) remain binding forever.

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Q: What reason do people give for not believing in Jesus?
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What reasons do people give for believing in Jesus?

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