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its located in the stratosphere its temp averages -60°C. But temp. rises as alitiude increases in the stratosphere. This happens because the ozone in the stratosphere absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the sun, which warms the air.

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The worst effected areas of the ozone layer are over the North and South poles. Therefore by default, the places where its at its best are near the Equator.

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Q: What region is the ozone layer located in?
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The layer that the ozone is located where?

The layer containing ozone is the ozone layer. It is located in the stratospheric region of the atmosphere.

Is the ozone layer located between troposhpere and the mesosphere?

No, it is not. The ozone layer is located in the stratospheric region of the atmosphere.

Where is the ozone layer is located is the?

The layer containing ozone is the ozone layer. It is located in the stratospheric region of the atmosphere.

Where are ozone molecules are located in the atmosphere lays?

Ozone molecules are located in the ozone layer. It is there in the stratospheric region.

In which atmosphere region does the ozone layer occur?

The stratospheric region of earth contains a layer of ozone called as the ozone layer. This layer of ozone protects us from the harmful ultraviolet radiations of the sun thus acting as a blanket. ozone however is also found in small concentrations in the tropospheric region. But because of the small concentrations it is considered to be negligible as compared to stratospheric ozone.

The ozone layer is located in the upper region of the what?

The atmosphere ofcourse!

The ozone layer is a region in the stratosphere where ozone levels are what?

The ozone layer is a region in the stratosphere. The ozone levels are the maximum in that region.

Where is the ozone layer located in the atmophere layers?

The ozone layer is present in the stratosphere region. It protects us from UV rays of the sun.

State where the ozone layer is located in the atmospherehow des it form?

The ozone layer is located in the stratospheric region of atmosphere. It protects us from the harmful UV rays of the sun.

What is the region of atmosphere that includes the ozone layer called?

The region is stratosphere. It contains the ozone layer.

Ozone layer is in this layer?

Ozone layer is present in the stratospheric region of atmosphere. It is a pool of ozone molecules.

Which layer absorbs ozone?

The layer which absorbs ozone is the ozone layer. IT is present in the stratospheric region of the atmosphere.