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Nat Turner was the leader of a slave revolt around 1830 in Virginia. Prior to that occurrence there were actually more Manumission Societies in the south than in the north. These were groups who advocated freeing the slaves, usually preferring that when freed they be transported somewhere else, back to Africa, or to some Caribbean island being the schemes most often advanced. But Nat Turner's revolt, with slave owners and their families hacked to death with agricultural implements, put great fear into the southerners, and almost eliminated the southern talk of freeing slaves. John Brown likewise tried to incite a slave rebellion, seizing the US government arsenal at Harpers Ferry, (today in West) Virginia, to secure guns with which to arm these slaves. Both of these incidents brought to the forefront of southern consciousness the Horror of "servile insurrection" and the fear of being slaughtered in their beds by slaves. This hardened southern attitudes in the years leading up to the war.

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Q: What role did Nat turner and John brown in the civil war?
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