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There are many different species of cobras, found throughout Asia and Africa, and different species have different breeding seasons. Keep in mind that most of the places where cobras live, naturally, do not have four seasons like temperate regions, but typically have just two seasons-a dry season and a rainy(monsoon) season, or experience the same type of weather and temperatures year-round. In places where there are two distinct seasons, cobras, along with many other animals, reproduce during or shortly after the rainy season, when food is more plentiful. In captivity, most species of cobras can breed and lay eggs at any time of the year, and may even breed and lay eggs more than once per year due to food and other necessary requirements always being available. Captive snakes aren't subjected to extremes of weather or starvation periods like snakes in the wild.

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Q: What season do cobras lay their eggs?
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Do female Cobras lay the eggs or do the nale Cobras lay the eggs?

The female cobra lays the eggs.

What is the king cobras length of pregnancy?

The breeding season for king cobras begins in January. The female will lay her eggs two months after mating. The eggs incubate for 60 to 70 days before they hatch.

Do King Cobras lay eggs?

Yes, and they make nests for their eggs.Most, but not all, reptiles lay eggs.

How many cobras can a mother cobra have?

since they lay eggs it can hatch up to 10 or more eggs!

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Red Spitting Cobras are oviparous. (They lay eggs, normally around 6-15 of them)

Why do king cobras lay eggs?

So they can have baby King Cobras. Cobras are reptiles and most reptiles lay eggs, those that don't normally live in colder climates where eggs laid on or under the ground would not get warm enough to incubate. In this case the eggs are kept inside the reptiles body to keep warm and the babies are born straight from the mother.

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Shortly after the mating season, most insects lay their eggs.

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What season does a snowy owl lay eggs?

Well, they mate in April-June so................that's probs about when they lay their eggs.

Do Emu lay eggs?

Females can mate several times and lay several batches of eggs in one season.

When does an American robin lay her eggs?

They lay their eggs later in the day, one egg a day, up to four eggs. The season the ones I have known lay their eggs is usually late spring early summer.