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As far as I can tell, there are not any real similarities between Robin Hood and Jesus Christ.

First of all, Jesus Christ DID exist. Some parts of the bible (alot of it) are so called "accounts" of his preachings and ect. Those cannot be assured as the Bible is a BOOK, first and foremost, that was written a VERY long time ago by many different people, and has been rewritten A LOT. That does not mean Jesus was/is/will be a "god" or the "son of god". That is OPINION ONLY and is a RELIGIOUS BELIEF. If that is your belief.

Robin Hood is a Folk Tale, moreso than a myth.

If there is something usable that you would like to add, please message me and I will gladly put it into my answer.

AnswerContrary to the above, the Biblie has NOT been rewritten a lot. This is a very misleading and untrue statement. Modern translations adhere unwaveringly to the earliest Greek and Hebrew manuscripts some of which date to no more than a few decades after the events, so we can be pretty sure that modern translations reflect properly not only what was written 2000 years ago about Jesus, but the intention and actual meaning it was meant to convey. Revised translations are necessary as language develops. The early King James Bible is still used by many Christians, but this translation, though in beautiful language, is not particularly reliable or understandable today as language has changed so much since the days of King James 400 years ago or more. Therefore modern translations, by large teams of Bible scholars, linguists, textual critics and theologians reflect well the intended meanings of the original gospel accounts.

And these gospel accounts have been verified time and time again historically and archaeologically to be reliable. But not just these accounts. Many contemporary historians (Josephus, Tacitus, Pliny the Younger, and many others) mentioned Jesus Christ by name and described his deeds. The early church fathers like Polycarp, Tertullian and Irenaeus all spoke of this person jesus of Nazareth - and could trace their line of learning right back to Christ himself. As an example, Irenaeus was a pupil of Polycarp, who was in turn a disciple of John who was the apostle closest to Jesus himself. ALL, without exception, regarded Jesus as divine as that was what was passed on by those who knew him. They were utterly convinced by this, by his teaching, his divine authority, his clai to be God in human form, and, most of all his resurrection after his execution - so convinced that many hundreds went to their deaths in the Roman arena rather than deny what they knew to be true.

The problem is that too many pseudointellectuals who have read a Dan Brown novel or two then set themselves up as someone who knows more than the thousands of Bible scholars, theologians, textual critics, classics scholars, historians and so on over the last two thousand years. I find that not only misleading but offensive, betraying the huge amount of aduired knowledge over the centuries for the sake of showing their own arrogant ignorance.

This also applies to Robin Hood. While the romantic stories of Robin and Marion are fiction, the character of Robin almost certainly existed. Contrary to what some people believe, the historical evidence for the existence and life details of Robin Hood is actually much less reliable than that for Jesus Christ. However, having lived once near Sherwood Forest in the UK there are many museums dedicated to the history of that area. We do know, for example, that while Richard I was fighting the Crusades, John tried to usurp the throne of England, and called upon the local barons to support him. the Sherriff of Nottingham was one such person. The title Sheriff of Nottingham still exists,the current holder of that title being of a ceremonial nature for the city. In addition to this, many referenced to outlaws still loyal to the king are recorded expecially one or two who fit the description of Robin of Loxley or 'Robin the Hood', named thus because of his manner of dress.

Therefore there are few similarities between Jesus Christ and Robin Hood. Both existed, but Robin Hood's history is rather scant and much legend has been mixed up with fact over the years. However, the history of Jesus Christ is far more reliable, in both the Bible and in secular historical accounts. Apart from that, they are as different as chalk from cheese.

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