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Q: What size of brake line coming from master cylinder?
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Master cylinder empty (no brake fluid) Leak in brake line or wheel cylinder Defective master cylinder

What is brake master cylinder repair?

Brake master cylinder repair is where someone or some body fixes the master cylinder on your brakes. It is the main line to your brake apparatus. Also the master cylinder is the container for the fluid and the piston, forming part of a device such as a hydraulic brake or clutch.

How do you find a hole in a brake line when no fluid is coming out. it does not have a slave cylinder and the master cylinder was just replaced.?

If there is no fluid coming from the brake line, there are two possibilities: 1. there is no damage in the brake line, merely air in the brake line. 2. The brake fluid may already be completely depleted. To find out, get some water with a bunch of dish soap in it, but try not to make a lot of suds. Pour the water over the whole brake line and watch the line while someone pumps the brake pedal. If bubbles form, then there's the hole. No bubbles? Air in the line or perhaps damage in the master or slave cylinder.

Where is the brake booster line located on a 1999 Oldsmobile Alero?

Drivers side, mounted on the firewall, behind the master cylinder. Coming from that booster is a large vacuum line.

Where can you find the 'brake booster line' on a 1996 GMC Sierra?

The Brake Booster is mounted on the firewall and the master cylinder is mounted on the booster. Look at the booster and you will see a very large vacuum line coming from the booster.

How do you find a hole in a brake line when no fluid is coming out it does not have a slave cylinder and the master cylinder was just replaced?

Check the wheel cylinders - they may be leaking and you can't see it on the outside of the wheel

Why is the brake line coming out of the master cylinder have three or four spirals in it before it goes to the distribution block?

I can think of a couple of reasons: 1. Less stress in the brake line due to shock, and relative motion beteen the master cylinder (mounted on the firewall) and the distribution block (on my vehicle, mounted on the frame). 2. More brake fluid in the longer brake line, which should absorb then dissipate heat better.

Where is the brake line on a 1996 caprice?

Brake lines come out of the master cylinder and go to each wheel.

Why do you lose brake pressure?

You ONLY lose brake pressure if you have a leak somewhere ! - This can be in any wheel cylinder , the master cylinder, or a fractured brake line. Till you find the leak, keep your master cylinder topped up daily.If the brake fluid reservoir remains full and the brake pedal sinks to the floor as you are waiting at a stop light, the master cylinder is at fault.

Brake peddle hard but goes down slowly?

Air in a brake line or a bad master cylinder could cause this. Bleed the brake lines if you have been working on any brake cylinder. If this happened without any warning, the master brake cylinder is probably the cause and should be replaced.

Why is there a coiled brake line on master cylinder?

So the line can flex between the body and the frame/chassis.

How do you change a brake line on a 98 ford escort?

Disconnect brake line at the nearest junction Disconnect brake line at the affected wheel cylinder Route new brake line same way old one was Connect both ends Bleed the wheel cylinder on that line MAKE SURE MASTER CYLINDER DOES NOT RUN EMPTY