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-Gain population we will have a high economic status

cons -

people coming from USA cant come to Canada because the US border is stopping them

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12y ago

Issues with Confederation

- We are Canada West. Most powerful province in all of the colonies and provinces that are trying to join together.

- Largest population

- Best political leaders

- Most money

- Why would we want to give our money away to the smaller provinces? Why would we want to join them?

- Every year, we give money, but get less back. (Revenue sharing- redistribution of income)


- Plus, we would have to join French, who we have spent the past 200 years crushing in wars.

- Don't want to make French 2nd language.

- One main language to communicate. Everyone else can speak what they want in their cultures.

- When immigrants come here, there is no point in teaching them to speak french.

- If cdw was independent, we wouldn't have to spend $ in making everything in both french and English (eg. signs)

- Next 100 years, french will be fighting for their rights and culture, so why cooperate now? It'll save trouble.

- To be in fed gov, speak both french and eng. more french that can speak both. They don't have our best interests at heart, and we don't want them controlling us.

- If we have french and eng. on all of our signs, the people in Toronto won't ever speak french, and people in Quebec won't speak eng.

-Why bother teaching every single other

- why would we give the french so much power?

-if there is a topic the british and French disagree on, French will have as much say as we do. If there's a war, for example, that is in the best interest of us, but the French think they have no part in it, we will have to fight them just to protect ourselves

Federal Government:

- Who is to say a fed gov will have our best interests at heart either? fed gov has all sorts of rights that we can make do with ourselves:

- new gov costs a lot of $

- more money to central gov

- control of natives, and we want to take their stuff (what if they want to put them on reserves?)

- losing our english culture to the french

- they can celebrate what they want (culture, religion, etc.), freedoms are granted, but why are we holding the french culture so much higher than the others; we have all sorts of immigrants (eg. Irish)

- pretty soon, the french will take over our country!

- we need to protect our british ties

- fed gov has power to control local issues, and can interfere with local projects, controlling local affairs; could take our power and give power to Quebec

- fed gov do not have our best interests at heart. If we had our own gov, we have our own interests at heart; make own money, etc.

- taxation, and how it will be spent

- the money could be spent according to the wishes of the other provinces, and not our own

- we are most rich; our money will be distributed to the wrong places: other provinces.

- have the power to pass or decline provincial laws, even if in best interest

- we can still trade with everyone! we can still fairly trade with quebec; they are very isolated; they only have us, the US


- Would Union really increase trade?

- colonies have very different economies

- would require good transportation systems (railways)

- very expensive

- go into debt

- more transportation could increase taxes to pay off gov. debts

- more expensive to send to far provinces rather than to US

- if we build railways, it will be more expensive to pay off debt than to send to US and the other provinces themselves

-Don't need to make a country with French to trade with them

Big Awkward Country:

- costs for transportation; red river, quebec, new brunswick

- small population compared to other countries

- All this empty space, nothing to fill it, be easier if we were each our own separate country


- doesn't mean it unites as a country

- we already have a very extensive and good railway system

- thousands of miles through forests and sometimes barren landscape

- way into debt for something with no real goal

- huge project; and ending up underused

- only to help big railway companies, which won't really help us (debt)

- why build railway to the east? there are resources of bountiless end in the west. there

are so many more opportunities and frontiers to be achieved there.

- easier to send trade products through the US if you want to get it to the maritime

provinces; why waste money to build a railway around the US


- mostly Protestant, but CDE has Catholics.... risk of clash

- the french think our money should go to the Catholic church! its the Protestants that matter! our population is mainly protestant anyway, so why not assimilate the french?


- How can we be sure that the Fenians and Americans will actually attack? Who's to say that we don't have sufficient armies of our own? We can always unite simply as allies; there is no need to confederate because of this threat.

-We have the largest pop, won't it be our sons making up most of the army

-Our sons defending other provinces- give up Toronto to save Quebec City? No way!


-Expand to land south of Lake superior, but from hudson's bay company, new frontier

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pros- it was the frenches only way to survive by keeping their language and religon(catholic)

^^ Canada west is Ontario, not Quebec...

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11y ago

They gave up a lot. They gave up their ocean waters, their industry and more. They would have had a much higher standard of living by joining the USA.

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not being able to understand the language

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Q: What were the cons for Canada West joining the Confederation?
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Pros and cons of provincial education control?

The question is based on how after Canadas Confederation, Canada was given federal and provincial governments. With provincial governments, the curriculum and laws are different for everyone.One area that each province controls is education. What are the advantages and disadvantage?

What were the pros and cons for New Brunswick in joining Confederation 1867?

Answer1. They weren't interested in railways because they travel by sea.2. Cost of buying goods from Canada would be higher than buying goods from Britain because of the terffis.3. Ottawa would be to far away for Newfoundlanders to have much influence on government poilicy.4. Made a living by the fishing industry or seal hunting. Also sold ropes, hooks, canvas, salt, barrels and Sou' Westers to people who go fishing.5. Nova Scotia are worried about the new steamships. They fear that these steamships may some day take way all of the business from there wooden sailing ships.6. Nova Scotia had no railway connection between Nova Scotia and Canada East.AnswerPros:Railway would be paid off.Would have protection against a Fenian attack.Cons:Cost of goods would be higher in Canada rather than in Britain because of tariffs.They wouldn't have any say in choices made by Canada.

What were the pros and cons for New Brunswick joining the Confederation?

Settle it. 1. Weren't interested in railways because they travel by sea. 2.Cost of buying goods from Canada would be higher than buying goods from Britain because of the terffis. 3. Ottawa would be to far away for Newfoundlanders to have much influence on government poilicy. 4. Made a living by the fishing industry or seal hunting. Also sold ropes, hooks, canvas, salt, barrels and Sou' Westers to people who go fishing. 5. Nova Scotia was worried about the new steamships. They fear that these steamships may some day take way all of the business from there wooden sailing ships. 6. Nova Scotia had no railway connection between Nova Scotia and Canada East. Pros: Railway would be paid off. Would have protection against fenian attack. Cons: Cost of goods would be higher in Canada rather than in Britain because of tariffs. They wouldn't have any say in choices made by Canada. The cons were that New Brunswick would lose control after Confederation. After Sir Samuel Leonard Tilley was re-elected into office the people had a compleatly different mind set. They were afraid of the Americans and wanted a strong army behind them. There were economic benefits if they formed confederation with Canada

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"Canada West" was not a political entity. It was part of the pre-Confederation Province of Canada. "Canada West" was a geographical name that was applied to the territory of the former colony of Upper Canada between February 10, 1841, and July 1, 1867, i.e., between the the Act of Union and Confederation.

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There were 6 reasons for the confederation which are:1.Political Deadlock Led To The Great Coalition In The United Provinces Of Canada.2.A railway linking the colonies was needed to increase trade and to move troops.3.Cancellation of the Reciprocity Treaty by the United States in 1865 ended the free trade between BNA and the US.4.There was a threat of American expansion into British North America.5.Great Britain wanted her colonies to be more self-sufficient.6. Some people (especially in Canada West) wanted to expand settlement into Rupert's Land and theNorth-West Territories.

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Your question is very unspecific. BC required a railway, but much of the Prairies were HBC lands that were signed over to the crown and eventually divided into provinces in 1905. A much smaller Manitoba under the leadership of Louis Riel was the only other western area that joined confederation in a manner similar to the Eastern provinces. Ask a more precise question. ------------- Canada West is not the same as Western Canada. Canada West is also called Upper Canada. So the question is asking what were the negatives or reasons for Canada West or Upper Canada to not join in the United Province of Canada with Lower Canada. They did join and the Province of Canada went on to have other provinces and colonies join in a Confederation that the Province of Canada (Ontario and Quebec) dominate today. Reasons for Upper Canada to not join include having to give up some rights of self control. Also Lower Canada was Catholic and French while Upper Canada was Anglican and English and they did not always get along as well as they do today.

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