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== == The KKK weakened from the 1970s on and only a few were left. Then the skinheads came in to pick up on "hate/racism" but soon folded and that's when in the late 1990s the KKK developed a more strategic way to have members join. As far as who has the most members one State to another is claiming to have the most members (still low in membership) so one will never truly know. The KKK is more secretive and sneaky and given up the open fear-mongering tactics they use to use up until the early 70s. Some politicians are KKK members and use their powers to rekindle the group such as David Duke and Robert Byrd. According to the KKK it's not just about blacks, but in 2006 they came down from Indiana to speak at an event yelling slogans such as "Let's get rid of the Mexicans!" They are against gays and anything their little minds can't wrap around due to the lack of education and sometimes just pure hate for all their own woes. They gather from every corner of the U.S. such as Mississippi, Itawamba County and the Bayou Knights from Smackover, Arkansas. If you had to choose a strong following of the KKK it would be Texas (so they say.) The Great Plains Klan has been expanding into regions of the country outside the South and eastern Midwest. Mid-Atlantic states, from Maryland up through New York. The KKK groups have abandoned the use of the traditional hoods and robes for some form of military uniform instead and only using the robes during ceremonies. As a result, today a Klansman might just as easily resemble a racist skinhead in dress and appearance as he might the traditional hooded and robed figure that most people associate with the KKK. The KKK has become more modernized by adopting the "Highway Program" and raising money for their own TV programs and radio programs. The KKK caused a stir in Western North Carolina in the late summer of 2006 when members began inserting their leaflets into a local conservative tabloid, The Rhinoceros Times, and leaving the paper on neighborhood lawns. The Knights apparently hoped this method would get more people to pick up the leaflets. The Rhinoceros Times sued the Klan for unfair trade practices and and subsequently sued by the Klan for defamation. Ultimately The Rhino won the lawsuit and received a settlement from the KKK. The KKK introduced fliers to the teachers in Michigan (not the students) and it was upsetting to say the least as the teachers had not experienced anything such as this and were against it. Hate material was also inserted in grocery circulars and other printed materials for which the KKK was successfully sued! There is much more to the KKK which personally, I am absolutely against! We don't like them coming to Canada and we'll oust them out if we find a Chapter here (which we have on occasion.) If one thinks of it, who do these band of so-called men think they are when they haven't even studied their own genealogy and could well have black in them, Jewish, Mexican, Indian, etc. It's a laugh! It's simply pure hate! They want power to dictate to the rest of societies across the U.S., Canada and anywhere they can spread their hate. I had to laugh at a picture of a Clansman sitting on his horse with white sheet over his head and lordy .... the horse had a hood on too! That goes to show you the intelligence of it all.

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