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Propaganda, censorship, fear, nationalism, religion, secret police, strict laws, no other parties, fraud, total conformity, and scapegoating. He was also a man that was good with political aspects of killing and stuff similar

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Q: What tactics Mussolini use to stay in power?
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Why do you use tactics?

Why do I use tactics? Well, because tactics are better than brute force.

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What kind of war tactics did who use?

How did Mussolini use the political and economic problems in Italy to rise to power?

After the war the economy was shattered and there were strikes and protests everywhere

What tactics did Germany use?

Mainly Blitzkreig tactics

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he didn't use force

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There are various negotiation tactics that one could use to get a better deal. Some key negotiation tactics that one could use to get a better deal are having a lot of information, flinch when unhappy with the price, and maintain ones walk away power.

What does the term power play mean?

The term "power play" means: 1. Tactics exhibiting or intended to increase a person's power or influence 2. The use of physical strength to overpower your opponent

What are Tactics and strategy?

tactics are a use of good skills that you use in any type of sport to be able to win something e.g. a football match people use tactics to get past there oponents

What tactics where used on Philippines in war 2?

That was Japanese occupied territory, therefore they had use what all occupied countries had to use, guerrilla tactics. When you don't have an army to fight with, you use guerrilla tactics.

How did Hitler use the SS to stay in power?

rule by force/fear

Why did Italy become a dictatorship?

After the war, a man named Benito Mussolini organized a new political group called the Fascists. At first, the group was made up of a bunch of men who wore black shirts and were armed with guns and clubs. They were known to often beat those who opposed them. Mussolini soon had many people on his side and a big ‘team’ of fascists. The people thought that Mussolini was going to help them have a “strong government and restore Italy’s greatness”. In 1922, Mussolini took control of the government. Once he was in power, Mussolini became a dictator. His secret police made sure that nobody openly disagreed with him. Mussolini became a dictator to ensure that he gained more power and ensure he wouldn’t lose it.

What led to Bonito Mussolini's gaining power in Italy?

1. After WWI Italy was left to gain less despite being victories. And during the great depression was left Italy to fight over on how and what the government should do, a perfect advantage for Mussolini to rise to power. Mussolini's goal was to turn Italy into a fascist state and his tactic was to control the people at the same time use their nationalism to make them proud and willing to participate in his "revolution" and after he took power, he had made a new fascist Italy.