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The gram Atomic Mass of carbon is 12.011 grams. This, by definition, is the mass of Avogadro's number of carbon atoms. Regarding the specified number of atoms as 7.40 X 1017, their mass is accordingly 12.011(7.40 X 1017)/(6.022 X 1023) = 1.48 X 10-5, to the justified number of significant digits (limited to 3 by "7.40".)

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Q: What the mass in grams of 7.40 x 1017 atoms of carbon?
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Atomic mass of carbon: 12.0 grams1.90 grams × (6.02 × 1023 atoms) / (12.0 grams) = 9.53 × 1022 atoms C

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3.011 x 1023 atoms of carbon will weigh about 6 grams One mole of carbon atoms weighs 12.011 grams, and there are 6.022 x 1023 atoms in a moles. So you have half as many atoms, so the mass would be half as much or 6.0055 grams to be precise.

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Using your molar mass. 0.0001 grams silver (1 mole Ag/108 grams)(6.022 X 1023/1 mole Ag) = 5.58 X 1017 atoms of silver =====================

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Yes. To find out the mass of a mole of atoms of any given element, see the atomic mass given on the periodic table. A mole of carbon atoms has a mass of 12.011 grams. A mole of sulfur atoms has a mass of 32.06 grams.

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molar mass and Avogadro's number

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We use the equation: Mass = Number of moles * Molecular or atomic mass Since the number of moles is 1 ("one mole of carbon-12 atoms") and the atomic mass of carbon-12 atoms is 12, hence the mass would be 12 grams. Note that the unit grams (g) is used here, as it is the SI unit for mass measurement. I hope this is useful! :)

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Not that much!! 4350000 atoms Carbon (1 mole C/6.022 X 10^23)(12.01 grams/1 mole C) = 8.675 X 10^-17 grams

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For this problem, the atomic mass is required. Take the mass in grams and divide it by the atomic mass. Then multiply it by Avogadro's constant, 6.02 × 1023.1000 grams C / (12.0 grams) × (6.02 × 1023 atoms) = 5.02 × 1025 atoms

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How many moles of carbon atoms are there in 3 grams of carbon?

The questions asks how many moles of carbon atoms.Molar mass is defined as the mass of one mole of a substance or in this case 6.022x1023 atoms of carbon. So the molar mass for carbon is 12.0 g/mol. Therefore the number of moles of carbon atoms is just 36/12.0 = 3.0 moles of carbon.How many atoms are in 36 grams of Carbon?[36 (gC) /12.0 (gC/molC)] * 6.02*10+23 (atoms C/molC) = 1.8*10+24 atoms in 36 g Carbon

Can explain how to get the molecular of mass of CO2?

Just add the grams per mole mass of the constituent atoms. C---carbon = 12.01 grams 2 O---2 oxygens = 16.0 grams each, or 32.0 grams ------------------------------------------------------------------------+ = 44.01 grams per mole for CO2 ( carbon dioxide )