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Q: What three continents traded goods with Rome?
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What three continents did Rome control pieces of?


How many continents was Rome on?

Three. Asia, Europe and Africa.

Who traded with Rome?

rome traded with china and greece

Who did ancient china traded with?

Ancient Chinese traded with Rome, India, Persia, Egypt?

How did ancient Rome trade with other cities?

They traded for goods by land, using their excellent roads and they also used the sea during sailing season. Also, a Roman merchant could travel to another city, purchase goods and have them sent back to Rome for resale. Business was business and the nature of the goods/services they were trading dictated how it was carried out.

What goods were traded between rome and china?

The Romans traded with Persia and China via the Silk Road and with india via the sea route from Egypt and through the Red Sea.They also traded with the Arabian Peninsula.

What did they buy back in the Han Dynasty in ancient china?

Valuable goods such as Chinese Silk would be traded to Rome, Greece, Egypt, Persia, Arabia and sometimes Java (Indonesia).

Who traded in ancient Rome?

A bunch of kostas

What was traded from china and India to Rome?


What were the results of Rome winning the wars?

With victory in war, Rome created the 15th largest empire in history, an empire which covered parts of three continents: Europe, North Africa and western Asia.

Where in the Bible does it say that the Bible was written on three continents?

It does not say anywhere specifically that the bible was written on three continents, but we know that the some of the Pentateuch was written in Africa. The rest of the Old Testament, and most of the New Testament were written in different parts of Asia. Also some of Paul's epistles were written from Rome, which is in Europe. So that is why we say that the Bible was written on three continents.

In which area of Rome did people meet and trade goods?

In which area of Rome did people meet and trade goods?