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Q: What three freedoms do the second amendment give us?
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Which three freedoms does the first amendment give us?

The freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and the freedom of the press.

Which 3 freedoms do the first amendment give us?

Press, Religion, and Expression

Which 3 freedoms does the first amendment give us?

freedom of speech, freedom of press and the freedom of religion

Which amendment give Americans the right to berr arms?


What does the Second Amendment give use the right to do?

The second amendment gives the right to bear arms. Put another way, it gives the right to own guns.

What are 5 basic freedoms given by 2 amendment?

Uh You Probably Mean Amendment 1 ? Cause Amendment 2 Is The Right To Bear Arms...But The 5 Basic Freedoms That The FIRST AMENDMENT Give AreFreedom Of SpeechFreedom Of ReligionFreedom Of PressFreedom Of AssemblyFreedom Petition

What group did the twenty second amendment give the right to vote to?

The 22nd Amendment limits the terms of the President and Vice-president. It does not grant voting rights.

Why was the second amendment adopted?

To keep the rights of the people from being infringed.

What was the second state where women could vote?

It didn't go by state, but by amendment to the constitution. The 19th amendment was passed and women could vote through out the United States.

What was the purpose of the three amendment passed immediately after the Civil War?

To give equal citizenship rights to former slaves

Why was it necessary to create the first ten amendments?

Many people thought the constitution didn't give people enough freedoms, so they created the first ten amendments to give people more freedoms.

Which amendment give Congress the constitutional authority to levy income taxes?

Sixteenth Amendment (Amendment XVI)