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If you are asking about a dry cell that has now discharged and is emitting gooey stuff, then you should remove it from the apparatus immediately (swelling of the cell could cause damage), and the electrolyte (the gooey material) is likely to corrode the apparatus. Clean the apparatus very carefully, as the electrolyte may be hygroscopic and draw moisture to it.

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Q: What to do with a melting battery?
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What is the melting point of a battery?

Melting points are of pure substances, not of objects made out of many, many substances. Eg. A news paper or an aeroplain don't have a melting point. Neither do batteries. But be carefull in warming them up above 50oC !!

Can you charge a 35 amp battery with a 40 amp charger?

no do not try that,you risk possible melting or explosion,the charger will overpower the battery or cause the charger to fail and break

How do you bring gold to melting point quickest?

The quickest way I know is to put it in series with a truly high voltage. A car battery will do.

What do you call the temperature at which a solid changes to a liquid?

This is the melting point.

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Which term is defined as the temperature at which a substance changes from a solid to a liquid state?

melting point

What could happen if you hook a car battery up the wrong way?

Effects of Incorrect Polarity When Connecting an Auto BatteryThis will usually result in severe damage to all electronic components in the vehicle's electrical system, and could result in melting the insulation on much of the wiring, and even melting of some of the wires.In a "worst case" scenario, it could even cause an electrical system fire which could result in burning up the entire vehicle.And, although I've never seen it, I have heard "stories" that connecting an auto battery "backwards" resulted in the battery exploding.

Which term is defined as the process by which a substance changes state from solid to liquid-?


What is a good name for chocolate melting?

melting chocolate is a good name. it depends if you are talking about what it is called after melting or while it is melting.

What movie has the saying you are melting you are melting?

Well it's I'm melting im melting and it's off of the wizard of oz

The temperature at which a solid melts is called?

melting point

You are melting Melting Oh what a world What a world Who was melting?

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