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melting chocolate is a good name. it depends if you are talking about what it is called after melting or while it is melting.

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Q: What is a good name for chocolate melting?
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Yes, Chocolate is a cute name!

What is the melting point of chocolate bars?

"Good" chocolate melts at around 34 degrees celcius. This is what most chocolate manufacturers aim for and requires predominance of grade 5 fat crystals in the chocolate. This melting point is no accident. A large part of chocolate design is to allow the chocolate to survive usual room temperatures but still melt in the mouth.

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Through, there are great reviews on the Chocolatiere Electric Chocolate Melting Pot. There are sixteen reviews and it ends up with four out of five stars in total.

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What is melting point of chocolate?

"Good" chocolate melts at around 34 degrees celcius. This is what most chocolate manufacturers aim for and requires predominance of grade 5 fat crystals in the chocolate. This melting point is no accident. A large part of chocolate design is to allow the chocolate to survive usual room temperatures but still melt in the mouth.