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Q: What town in wyoming does the barley oats for the beer compANY grown?
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Is barley wine beer or wine?

Barley wine is a style of beer similar to ale.

What is the major crop in hidalgo Mexico?

I'd say corn and barley are big ones. The beer companies buy a lot of the barley grown outside of Pachuca. Also there are lots of tunas or prickly pears.

Is barley used in beer?

In certain styles of beer if not all.

How did the egyptians use their barley?

Most of barley was used to brew beer

What beer has most barley and hops?

All beer has barley and hops. The only other thing in beer is water. Some beer will include other grains such as wheat and rice.

What does the word barley mean?

Barley is a grain, used to make food, beer, and whisky.

What is the name of the residue of fermented barley?


What is Sapporo Japanese beer made from?

barley is the usual cereal that any beer is made of sapporo beer is no exception :)

What can you make with wheat and barley?

beer (with other ingredients)

What is the product used in beer?

Water. Hops. Barley

Does the alcohol in beer hydrolyze the barley gluten?


What Beer names that start with m?

malted barley