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They eat something which is called a tzabar which is like a cactus but has fruity taste.

People of Jewish religion (whether or not resident in Israel) eat just about anything that is not forbidden by their dietary laws. They are forbidden to eat any sea food that does not have fins and scales, or anything that comes from a pig. It is also forbidden to eat meat at the same meal as any dairy product. It is mandatory that any meat animal be slaughtered by bleeding to death.

Some of the items which are frequently consumed by Jews are salt beef Sandwiches (without butter!), bagels (with or without lox), matzos, falafel, halva, gefilte fish and chopped liver. There are many others, depending to some extent on where their ancestors were during the Diaspora.

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Common items eaten in Israel are:







Amazing dairy products - cheeses, etc

Lots of fresh fruit and vegetable

Foods from around the world, Israel is very diverse and you can find pretty much anything you want there.

There's an amazing French bakery on Diezengof St in Tel Aviv.

Israelis eat a lot of felafel and hummus, pita, baba ghanoush, taboule, etc. Israeli salads are also quite popular. Since Israel has a huge emigrant population from Eastern Europe, there are a number of Eastern European dishes, like chicken shnitzel that are also relatively common.

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