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Q: What types of evidence do scientists gather to study climate changes in climate?
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how do scientist use evidence they gather?

The evidence helps scientists come up with explanations about the natural world

What refers to the diverse ways in which scientists study the natural world and propose explanations based on the evidence they gather?

The term "scientific method" refers to the diverse ways in which scientists study the natural world and propose explanations based on the evidence they gather. It involves systematic observation, experimentation, and the formulation of hypotheses that can be tested.

What is considered as the leading scientific authority on climate change?

The InterGovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is made up of scientists around the world. They gather data and experiments from everywhere and analyse them to find out the facts about climate change.

Does the process of science refers to the diverse way in which scientists study the natural world and propose explanations based on the evidence they gather?

science inquiry

How do scientists gather and interpret evidence that earth is continually changing?

Alfred wegener a German geologist had an idea that the continental drift had happened. He said that the continents fitted like a puzzle piece. The name of the big he put is Pangea. This is evidence that scientists had from the continental drift.

Astronomers use various tools to gather evidence in support of the Big Bang Theory What are two tools used?

Real scientists do not "gather evidence in support of" any theory. The technical term for that kind of thing is "cherry-picking". Real scientists build a theory to explain the evidence that they have already gathered, and then test the theory to see whether it holds water. The easiest, fastest way to make sure that you are regarded as a wingnut by real scientists is to adopt or invent a theory, and then spend your time trying to prove it.

How scientist gather information in sun?

Scientists can not gather information IN the Sun.

How do scientists gather evidence that earth is continually changing?

Scientists gather evidence that Earth is continually changing through various methods such as studying rock formations, analyzing layers of sediment, monitoring plate tectonics, examining fossil records, and using advanced technologies like satellite imagery to track changes in landforms and ecosystems over time. By combining these different sources of evidence, scientists can build a comprehensive understanding of the dynamic nature of our planet.

How do scientists gather weather data from high in the atmosphere?

scientists gather weather data from high in the sky using weather satellites

What are two tools used to gather evidence in support of big bang theory?

If you browse around this category, you will find several similar questions with replies that answer your query. ==================================== Real scientists do not "gather evidence in support of" any theory. The technical term for that kind of thing is "cherry-picking". Real scientists build a theory to explain the evidence that they have already gathered, and then test the theory to see whether it holds water. The easiest, fastest way to make sure that you are regarded as a wingnut by real scientists is to adopt or invent a theory, and then spend your time trying to prove it.

What does the scientific inquiry refer to?

scientific inquirry refers to the diverse ways in which scientists study the natural world and propose explanations based on evidence they gather

List three ways scientists gather evidence about your weather?

I am not sure........ I am the one who posted this message and I need to know it for MAJOR homework! Please help! <33 Science Homework