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Q: What vitamins are naturally presents in animal foods?
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How does food get its vitamins and minerals?

It gets the minerals through the water it recieves, and some foods have vitamins naturally.

Can you describe vitamins?

Vitamins are naturally occurring compounds present in most foods. The human body cannot produce vitamins and therefore has to acquire them from external sources: diet or supplements.

What do all foods have in them?

All foods has a vitamins and minerals that nourished our body.

What kind of vitamins do GMO foods have?

GMO foods asummably have the same vitamins as the equivalent non-GMO foods.

What is a meaning of glow food?

Glow foods contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. It helps us to digest our food and be healthy. Glow food make us look beautiful. It makes our skin smooth and attractive.

Is there something you can do to help with retention?

Some things that help ease fluid retention are to eat naturally diuretic foods, lessen your salt and salty foods, avoid drinks that will dehydrate you, and take vitamins. Vitamins B6, B5, B1 and D are known to assist in reducing fluid retention.

What foods contain sodium naturally?

All sea foods contain relatively high quantity of sodium.In fact all animal foods contain sodium.

What has vitamins in it?

Of course, a vitamin supplement has vitamins Many foods have vitamins in them. See link below

What foods can vitamins be found in?

The major source of vitamins are found in fruits and vegetables.

What vitamins do meats provide?

Red meats contain Vitamin B1 (thiamin), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), Panothenic Acid, Folate, Vitamin B3 (niacin), Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12. Meat, fish, and animal-derived products such as milk are the only foods that provide Vitamin B12 naturally.

Is there a difference in man-made natural and whole foods vitamins?

Yes, there is a difference. Whether man-made or "natural," most vitamins on the market today are synthetic. They are isolated vitamins that lack important phytonutrients the body needs to most effectively use the vitamins. While the best way to get vitamins is through eating a healthy diet, whole-foods vitamins are made from foods and contain the phytonutrients that are needed with the vitamins.

Is fresh food good for you?

Yes, fresh is very good for you. You get to eat the vitamins that are still in fresh foods. Cooked foods have less vitamins in them.