

What war happened after the raised taxes on tea?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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The revolutionary war

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Q: What war happened after the raised taxes on tea?
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King George III was in the Revolutionary War. This all started because he raised taxes on Tea. Tea was their coffee back then. So, yes, he WAS in a war

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The taxes that England imposed on the colonies, such as tarriffs on tea and other such goods led to the Boston tea party (the dumping of tea into the Boston harbor) which indefinetly lead to the revolutionary war.

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it happened because the british and the colonists were mad at each other and the british wanted to give the colonists taxes but bad taxes so they had to pay for sugar tea and so that's what the revalountary war was for

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Who was the people who raised the taxes at the revolutionary war?

The British

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the revolutionary war started when the british put too many taxes on things. like when they lifted the tax on everything except tea, the tea party happened, where a group of colonists who were against the taxes and the british dumped a whole bunch of british tea into the Boston harbor. so the revolutionary war was because of the british taking too much control over the colonies and putting taxes on everything.

What motivated parliament to pass the tea act?

The taxes were levied because the crown reasoned that the colonies should help pay for the French and Indian War since the British army protected them. The tea tax was LOWERED and not raised which made the smuggled Dutch tea higher than the British tea.

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Raised taxes

Name on reason that Parliament raised taxes?

Parliament raised taxes to get money because England was in debt for helping the colonists win the French and Indian war.

Why did the Parliament raise taxes on the colonists after the french and Indian war?

Parliment raised taxes after the war because they had a huge war debt they had to pay off. Therefore the riased taxes had an increase in tax revenue.

Colonial reaction to the Tea Act?

they dumped the tea in the river and boycotted, then war happened

Why did great Britain raise taxes in its Americas colonies?

1. they raised taxes to pay for the French-Indian war.