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First was a process for Palestinian self-government in the West Bank and Gaza. Then there was framework for the conclusion of a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, and then a similar framework for peace treaties between Israel and its other neighbors.

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Q: What was 3 outcomes of the camp david accords?
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A fair coin is tossed 3 times how many possible outcomes are there?

Each toss has 2 outcomes; so the number of outcomes for 3 tosses is 2*2*2 = 8

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The outcome that is the top number on a fraction. e.g. The multiples of 3 are 3 and 6 = there are 2 favourable outcomes. Probability ( multiple of 3 ) + 2/6 = two favourable outcomes/six possible outcomes

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2x2x2=8 possible outcomes. In general for n tosses there are 2^n outcomes.

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If you toss a coin 3 times how many outcomes are there?


How do you do a probability?

Number of useful outcomes over number of possible outcomes and simplify it if you can. Imagine you want an even number and you roll a die. There are 6 possible outcomes and three of them are useful outcomes (outcomes we want). 3 6 Simplify it and you get 1 2

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How many outcomes do you get from rolling 3 coins?

23 or 8 outcomes. In any experiment with two outcomes, if you do the experiment n times there are 2n outcomes. This about each time you roll the coin have two possible outcomes, H or T. So if you roll it 2 times, you have 4 possible outcomes. HH, HT, TH or TT. Do it one more time and you have 8 outcomes. HHH, HHT, HTH, THH TTT TTH THT HTT Notice there are 1 outcome with 3 heads, 1 with 3 tails 3 with two heads 3 with two tails This pattern follow the binomial theorem. The coefficients of the binomial (H+T)3 are 1 3 3 1. The same numbers as we have above!

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Forget about the auditions... WILL THERE BE A CAMP ROCK 3?

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