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In past Pakistan, India and Bangladesh were all joined together and this was known as sub-continent. But as all religions were different (Muslims & Hindus) so the people started a movement for freedom and a new nation. So after a long struggle Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (founder of Pakistan) and Gandhi (Founder of India) agreed to separate on Aug. 14 1947 Pakistan was founded and on Aug. 15 1947.

During this time Bangladesh got separated a long time before the independence of both contries.

India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma, Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka were all part of British India before the Partition. However it was only called 'British India' when the British conquered the country during the colonial period. Prior to that it was known as 'Mahabharat' or 'Greater India'

Earlier India, Pakistan, Baluchistan all was known as Bharat, This is I am taking during the Ram Avatar, In fact after Shree Ram, Lav and Kush, Luv Luv was given all the territories - east of Ayodhya, and Kush was given west of Ayodhya. Two Sons of Bharat namely Pushya and Taksha joined with Kush. This is corroborated by history which says that Pushya founded a new city in the name of Pushyapur which over the centuries got the modem name Peshawar and Taksha founded a new city by the name Takshasila which at present is known as Taxila in the land from where their grandmother Kaikeyi hailed. She was the princess from highlands of Kekay now known as North West Frontier Province of Pakistan. Area in which I read this book was Laos which is known even today in their local language as Luvpradesh and in modem French version Laos which is pronounced as 'Lao'. Over the centuries the descendents of Luv extended their empire up to the Chinese sea and beyond upto Bali and including Indonesia

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Q: What was Pakistan called before it was known as Pakistan?
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Was Bangladesh once called East Pakistan?

yes it was. Pakistan , India and bangaldesh where one country but they seperated.Bangladesh was called East Pakistan and Pakistan was called West Pakistan. First India wanted their own country so they had a war with Pakistan and Pakistan won then Bangladesh also wanted their own country so they had a war and they won

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What was the old name of Bangladesh?

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