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the British had the weapons and and the colonist didn't have much armor or guns but they were prepared

the war was brought because Britain had a budget cut because Britain just got through a war and thought that taxing the colonist would pay up

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the currency act of 1764 & the proclamation of 1763 block the colonist from expansion

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An experienced army

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Q: What was a major advantage the British had over the colonists in the Revolutionary War?
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What was the major advantage for the american side in the revolutionary war?

the Americans were on ground that they knew and the British soldiers didn't. furthermore, the colonists didn't have to destroy the capitol of england and crush the spirit of a rebellion. the British did.

What is some advantages the British had during the revolutionary war?

One major advantage they had was that they had more weapons like cannons.

What was major advantage of the American side in the revolutionary war?

They didn't have to go any where unlike the British who had to ship their soldiers across the Atlantic. They also new the land better than the British.

Why did the colonists want to invade the British in Canada?

IT would be a major set back to the French war effort

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Savannah, Georgia

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The colonists did not surrender Yorktown. They captured it in the last major battle of the Revolutionary War.

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a major disadvantage was that they sucked at fighting

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He defeated the British in the Revolutionary War

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british people

A major British advantage in 1776?

A british advantage would be.......Go look it up at the library i really don't want you using the internet!

British taxation of colonists without their consent was the major reason for?

the Declaration of Independence.

What was one major difference french and british colonists in the Americas in the 1700s?

French colonists generally had friendlier relations with the American Indians.