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Go to And watch the video named zeitgeist and esoteric agenda

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Q: What was the Monotheistic religion founded by baha'ullah?
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Judaism is what kind of religion?

Monotheistic; based upon Divine revelation.

What is the newest religion today?

The newest monotheistic religion, founded in 1862 in Persia, is the now global Baha'i Faith.

Is judaism a monotheistic or polytheistic religion?

judaism is a montheistic religion

How did Sikhism get started?

Sikhism is a monotheistic religion founded in northern India in the 15th century by the guru Nanak. Source:

What are the differences between Sikhism and Islam?

Sikhism believes in a single formless God whereas Islam believes in the oneness of God with distinct attributes. Sikhism rejects caste system and promotes equality of all individuals, while Islam acknowledges social hierarchy. Sikhism does not have a strict code of dietary rules while Islam has specific dietary restrictions such as not consuming pork.

Is Anabaptist a monotheistic or polytheistic religion?

Anabaptism is a monotheistic Christian movement that upholds belief in one God.

Who created the monotheistic religion?

The Hebrews were the ones who created or the first to create the monotheistic religion.

What is an independent monotheistic religion?

an independent monotheistic religion is a religion that only believes in one god. examples of monotheistic religions are: christianity, islam, Sikhism, Judaism and soo on.

Who created the first monotheistic Religion?

Zarathushtra (Greek: Zoroaster) probably created the first monotheistic religion, around 1700 to 2000 BCE. Thislong predated the shortlived monotheistic religion of Egypt and the eventual monotheistic Judaism of Judah.

What is Christianity mean?

Christanity can mean sorts of things such as the vicors dog colloar However it most commonly refers to the religion founded by a carpenter in medieval times. Christianity is an Abrahamic religion. It is also a monotheistic religion.

A religion that believes inany gods is what type of religion?

It is a polytheistic religion. If a religion believes in one God, they are monotheistic. (Christianity, Islam, Judaism are monotheistic)

Were the Persians monotheistic or polytheistic?

Monotheistic, because the Persian religion was Zoroastrianism which is a monotheistic religion