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Southern plantation holders were appalled at the idea that that slavery would be banned in the US territories. They realized that as the territories became States and continued their anti slavery positions, the South would became an even smaller group of slave holding States. In turn, this could lead to the abolition of slavery nationwide. They were correct in this assumption. Most Americans were against slavery. In the days of antebellum, their Congressional response was the passing of the Missouri Compromises.

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Q: What was the Southern response to the ideas of banning slavery in the US territories?
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Southern response to slavery?

The southern white people wanted slavery forever because they wanted more unfair laboring to the white farmers.

What did southern democrats want in the election of 1860?

The Southern Democrats Supported Slavery & They Elected John Breckenridge As Their Democratic Presidential Candidate.

What did southern states do in response to slave rebellions?

So they need to Pathet the slavery in the line

What did Mexico do to anger the Anglos in 1829?

Banning of slavery.

Who proposed the banning of slavery in the new US terrtory?

Congressman Rufus King proposed the banning of slavery in the new Us territory in 1785. Rufus was the congressman of Massachusetts.

What territories Did Missouri compromise allow slavery in?

The Missouri Compromise addressed slavery in the Arkansas and unorganized territory of the Great Plains. Slavery was prohibited in all of these areas, except within the boundaries of Missouri.

How did people oppose slavery?

In the early years of humanity slavery was the norm (even during the time of Christ). The anti slavery movement of modern times began in England with the eventual banning of slavery across the British Empire. This was followed much later by the banning of slavery in the US after the American civil war.

Who said no slavery in new territories?

The Republican Party and the Quakers were the leading opponents of expanding slavery into the new territories.

What was the conflict between the Northern and Southern States as territories from the Louisiana Purchase apply for statehood?

The major source of conflict over granting statehood was the slavery question-- would slavery be allowed in the new state?

What was the topic of the Lincoln-Douglas debates?

Slavery in the territories