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Richmond, Virginia

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Q: What was the capital of the confederacy after all the southern states had left the union?
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Are southern states that seced from the union called confederacy?


What the union of the southern states was called?

Confederacy. Good question!

Where the southern states that seceded from the union called the confederacy?


Name of the union formed by the Southern states?

The southern US states form the Confederate States of America

Where was the Confederacy?

The Confederacy, also known as the Confederate States of America, was located in the southern region of the United States. It was formed in 1861, with its capital in Richmond, Virginia. The Confederacy consisted of 11 states that seceded from the Union in response to the election of President Abraham Lincoln and the growing tensions over slavery.

The seven southern states that left the union were known as the?

The 7 states that left the union were the Confederate States of America, or the Confederacy. 4 additional states joined the first 7 to complete the Confederacy.

True or false southern states that seceded from the union were called confederacy?


Describe the founding of the confederacy?

The confederacy was formed when the Southern States seceded from the Union in 1861, thus starting the Civil War

What did the union represent north or south?

The Union was the Northern part of the United States, while the Confederacy was the Southern portion.

What were the terms of southern surrender at the end of the civil war?

The confederacy army surrendered on April 18, 1865, thereby ending the civil war. Slavery was abolished in Southern states, and the confederacy accepted to be part of the Union. The confederacy would not pursue secession from the Union.


a loose union of independent states; name of government used by the southern states that seceded during the Civil War

What civil war words start with the letter U?

Ulysses S. Grant (northern / union general)The southern states = Confederacy northern states = Union