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Because the evil chipmunk master attacked the nucleur tostado chip which was covered in mayonaisse and mustard and had a bite taken out of it by the nucleur galactic lord who was dating the evil chipmunk master's uncles brother because the nucleur galactic lord is gay( i am gay :) )

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10y ago
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9y ago

The negative effects of the Fugitive Slave Act included forcing authorities that did not believe in slavery to return captured slaves to their owners. The Act also allowed slaves to be beaten legally for escaping.

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9y ago

Reinforced "by law" the right to seize and return to bondage slaves who had fled to free territory. Some of these were already freed African Americans who were then sold into slavery.

Because Freeded isn't a word
"The Bloodhound Bill" fleeing slaves couldn't testify for own behalf, denied a jury/trial, and the northerners must return fugitive slaves to their owners to possible harsher treatment such as having their (the slaves') foot cut off. If northerners did not comply, they were sentenced to slave catching.

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11y ago

Outrage by Northern citizens at being treated as unpaid slave-catchers.

Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' as a protest against it, and this drew many new recruits to the cause of Abolitionism.

It had the effect of driving the two sides further apart, and bringing war closer.

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11y ago

The acquisition of large territories from Mexico had rendered the Missouri Compromise unworkable, and a new compromise was needed to decide on the slave-or-free category of each of the new states.

Abolitionist feeling had intensified in Congress, and it was getting harder to create new slave-states. So the North had to compensate by making a big gesture of appeasement to the South by promising to crack down on runaways.

The new law obliged every citizen to report anyone who looked like a fugitive slave, on pain of a heavy fine. The public strongly resented being treated like unpaid slave-catchers, and Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' as a protest against it.

Her best-selling novel attracted many new recruits to the cause of Abolitionism, and drew support for the Underground Railroad, the safe-house system that helped fugitives escape into Canada. Naturally the book was strictly banned in the South.

This deepened the divide between the sections and raised the temperature of the debate. It was alleged that Lincoln met Stowe and said "So you're the little lady who started this big war." If he didn't, he should have done.

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15y ago

A law made by Congress in 1793 to give the return of runaway slaves back to their owners.

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13y ago

ask nick linda

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What were the effects of the fugitive act?

The Fugitive Slave Act forced many people to consider the pros and cons of slavery in the United States. The effect of the Fugitive Slave Act was the freeing of slaves.

What were the effects of the fugitive slave acts?

The Fugitive Slave Act forced many people to consider the pros and cons of slavery in the United States. The effect of the Fugitive Slave Act was the freeing of slaves.

What were the effects of the fugitives slave act?

The Fugitive Slave Act forced many people to consider the pros and cons of slavery in the United States. The effect of the Fugitive Slave Act was the freeing of slaves.

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fugitive slave lawsThe Fugitive Act

Which of these was part of the Compromise of 1850?

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The Fugitive Slave Act was a pro-slavery part of the Compromise of 1850.

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A citizen who helped a runaway slave under the Fugitive Slave Act could be fined or imprisoned for aiding a fugitive slave. The act required citizens to assist in capturing and returning escaped slaves to their owners.

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The Fugitive Slave Law

What was the event of the fugitive slave act?

no was you

How did the northern react to the fugitive slave act?

Northern Abolitionists did not react favorably to the Fugitive Slave Act. This is because it supported the cause they were against.

What were the effects of the Fugitive Slave Act?

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 required authorities in free states to help capture and return escaped slaves to their owners. This law angered abolitionists and led to increased tensions between North and South, contributing to the start of the Civil War. It also spurred more people to actively oppose slavery, strengthening the abolitionist movement.

Who passed the fugitive slave act?

The Fugitive Slave Act was passed by the United States Congress on September 18, 1850, as part of the Compromise of 1850.