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Islamic scientists and mathematicians had huge influence on Europe. Consider the words, alcohol, alchemy, alcove, and algebra. All these words, and others like them, came from Islamic countries.

Today we use Arabic numerals. If you want to know why they are called Arabic. it is because they arrived in Europe from Arabic countries. If you want to understand why we use them, try dividing CCXLVII by XIX and see what you get. Or take the square root of LXXXI.

What the people of Western Europe knew of Greek philosophy was translated largely from Arabic. This is why Ptolemy's Almagest had an Arabic name, even though it was originally written in Greek.

New crops were introduced, from Islamic countries, cotton being an example. New techniques for farming and manufacture were being introduced.

Islam puts a premium on learning. The best scientists in the world, during parts of the Middle Ages were Islamic. And so the influence in Europe was indirect, providing the results of science done elsewhere because of teachings of the people of elsewhere. Nevertheless, though the influence of Islam was indirect, it was huge.

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