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Q: What was the name of the country formed by the states that seceded from the US?
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What is the name of the new country formed by the states that seceded?

The Confederate States of America.

What is the name of the country the southern states wanted to form when they left the US?

The Southern states formed their own country when they seceded from the United States. Their country became known as the Confederate States of America.

What was the name of the new nation that was formed by the states that seceded from the union?

The Confederate States of America

What name was given to the nation formed by the states that seceded from the union?

The Confederate States of America

What was the name of the new nation that the states that seceded from the Union formed?

Confederate states of America or confederacy

When the south seceded what was the name of their country?

Confederate States of America

What was the name given to the nation formed by the states that had seceded in February 1861 and who did they elect as their leader?

The Confederate States of America. The President was Jefferson Davis. He was not happy about this, as he had hoped to be appointed General-in-Chief of the Confederate armies. In the event, he tried to perform both functions, and failed in both.

What was the name taken by the states that seceded?

Confederate States of America

What was the name of the states that seceded from the union called?

Confederate States of America

What was the name of the country formed by the seceding southern states?

The Confederate States of America or the CSA.

What name was given to the southern states when they seceded?

It was called the Confederate States of America.

What was the name of the group of states that seceded from the union?

The Confederate States of America ('The Confederacy')