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The name of the first US government was "The United States of America", the same as it is today, even though the first government was organized under the Articles of Confederation. Article 1 of the Articles of Confederation says: "The Stile [sic] of this Confederacy shall be "The United States of America."

The first US government after the Revolutionary War was actually founded during the war. It passed the North West ordinance, solving the problem of establishing the borders between the states and what to do about the lands in the western parts of the United States.

It established the government survey that originated a grid pattern of dividing farmland used in most of the nation apart from the original 13 states.

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10y ago

The first form of federal government established after the American Revolution was created under the Articles of Confederation. It proved to be wildly ineffective, and a new convention was held, this time creating the U.S. Constitution that we are governed by today.

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13y ago

The first government of the United States was the Second Continental Congress. When the Articles of Confederation were ratified, this became known as the Congress of the Confederation (which was later continued under the Constitution beginning in 1789).

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11y ago

Articles of Confederation was the first constitutional document that seemingly unified the states as United States of America, so it may be considered the first government of US.

Virginia House of Burgesses was the first assembly of elected representatives, so it may be considered the first government. However, this was during the colonial era, so the country of United States had not yet formed.

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14y ago

The first attempt at a unified government after the War of Independence was under the Articles of Confederation, which established the United States government. The government, however, consisted only of the Congress of the United States, and lacked a president or other executive figure.

This Articles of Confederation were a failure, because individual states had too much power relative to the weak national government. This led to attempts to reform the Articles, and ultimately the Constitutional Convention met and drew up the current US Constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation.

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The Continental Congress

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The Articles of Confederation.

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The Articles of Confederation

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