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There are important issues regarding the answer to this question. The first issue is the question of which emancipation is being discussed. For clarity in this answer, the last & final Emancipation Proclamation will be used. The issue date is January 1, 1863. The next battle after that is the second battle that ensued on January 2, 1863. This was specifically fought when Confederate General Bragg attacked the lines of Union General Rosecrans which caused the Union troops to retreat back across Stone's River.

This was part of the Stone's River Battle.

With this in mind, the answer to the question is that one day after Lincoln issued his second and last Emancipation Proclamation, a second attack one the battle lines in the overall battle of Stone's River is the most definitive answer.

The last part of the question is incomplete. Using the phrase "..was a war to end slavery". What Lincoln meant in his second proclamation, was that slaves in the Confederate States were to be freed. Slave owners who were loyal to the Union were exempt and allowed to keep their slaves.

What was inferred, however, was that at some time in the future, and that future was in 1865 all slaves would be free. One month before Lincoln was assassinated, Congress passed the 13th amendment to the US Constitution abolishing slavery in all parts of the United States. Even then, the South had yet to completely surrender.

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Q: What was the next battle after Lincoln declared the US Civil War was a war to end slavery?
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