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Mexico (1910-1921) is such country.

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Q: What was the only country in Latin America to experience a fundamental revolution before the 1950s?
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Which was the only Latin American nation to experience a fundamental revolution before the 1950's?

Brazil is the only Latin American country to experience a fundamental revolution before the 1950s. Brazil became more industrialized through this revolution.

What country did America fight during the revolution?

no one knows

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What country did america fight in the revolution for independence?

Great Britain.

Which country was much benefited from green revolution?

United States of America

What country in latin America saw a successful communist revolution in the 1950's?

Cuba was the country that saw a successful communist revolution in the 1950's.

What war made a new independent country in North America after 1783?

The war that made America an independent country after 1783 was the American Revolution.

What changes did Iran experience after the Iranian revolution ended?

Islamic rules were implemented in the country after the Iranian Revolution. Before the revolution the government was a puppet of the U.S. and anti Islam

Did the Americans win every battle of the Revolution?

of caurse America is the strongest country in the world

How was the American revolution involved with latin America in 1750-1914?

The answer depends on the American country you're referring to.

How did the American end?

The American Revolution ended with the Treaty of Paris - Britain recognized America as an independent country.

What major event happened as a result of the American Revolution?

America officially became a free independent country.