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The original court system was administered by the individual states and territories. There were no federal courts under the Articles of Confederation; all criminal and civil cases were tried by the states. The dual court system is a product of the US Constitution, which established a central government with a Judicial Branch responsible for trying cases involving federal laws, US treaties, and US constitutional issues.

In the 19th century, the state and federal court systems became less entwined, and the states lost most of their jurisdiction over federal cases.

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Q: What was the original structure of the US court system?
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What is the structure of your federal court system?

(in the US) Three tiered. Court of original jurisdcition (i.e.: the US District Courts - the US Appelate Courts - the US Supreme Court.

What makes up the dual court system in the US?

original and appellate jurisdiction

What is court of original jurisdiction in federal court system?

US District Courts have original jurisdiction in most cases of general jurisdiction; however the US Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in a limited class of cases, such as those involving disputes between the states.

Which federal court has original jurisdiction over most cases that are heard in federal court?

Federal trial courts almost always have original jurisdiction in the federal system.

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In a court of original jurisdiction - in state courts that would usually be a Circuit COurt (or similar) - in the federal system it would be a US DIstrict Court.

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(in the US) Courts of Appeal are the first level above the trial court... i.e.: a court of 'original jurisdiction.'(e.g.: In the federal court system, it could be any one of the U.S. District Courts - all US District Courts are divided into circuits with each circuit having its own federal court of appeal.In a state system the court of original jurisdiction could be known by one several names - depending on the state - (i.e.: District Court - Circuit Court - Superior Court - etc).

What is the court of original jurisdiction in the federal system?

US District Courts have original jurisdiction in most cases of general jurisdiction; however the US Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in a limited class of cases, such as those involving disputes between the states.

What is the court system that deals with US?

Federal Court System

What is meant by the statement that the US has a dual court system?

national court system, state court system and tribal court system.

What is the court system called in the US?

The US Supreme Court is the highest court in the US. Each state has its own Supreme Court, but the US Supreme Court is the end of the line.

A US District Court or a state trial court has?

Original jurisdiction

What is considered to be the center of the US justice system?

The US Supreme Court is the center of the US justice system. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the country.