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Muslim traders were good models of honesty, keeping promises, straightfulness, cooperation, and good morals. People in Africa were attracted to them and to their beliefs and good morals. Then by knowing about Islam and how it is an authentic, true, and peaceful religion and by knowing about prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and how he is trustful and honest, some converted to Islam and helped on spreading Islam among their natives. Refer to related questions below.

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Q: What was the relationship between trade and the spread of Islam in Africa?
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Related questions

What is the spread of Islam throughout Africa an example of?

Islam did not spread the same way throughout all of Africa. In North Africa, Islam spread by conquest. In West Africa and along the Indian Ocean, Islam spread by contact between Muslim merchants and local Non-Muslims.

What helped spread the Arabic language in west Africa?

The spread of Islam played a significant role in the spread of the Arabic language in West Africa. The establishment of Islamic schools and trading networks facilitated the adoption of Arabic as a language of religion, education, and trade. Additionally, the influence of Arabic scholarship and literature contributed to its widespread use in the region.

How did the spread of Islam affect political and social life in East West and South Africa?

The spread of Islam in the East, West, and South Africa was a gradual process. The spread of Islam helped with trade practices, education, and literacy.

What is the reason for increased social divisions in West Africa was?

the spread of Islam.

What factors hindered the spread of Islam in Eastern Africa?

Spread of Islam was not hindered in east africa, it reached as far as Zambia, Mozambique and further south to Rwanda

What religion was spread to Africa and by whom?

Islam and by the arabs

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In what century did Islam begin to spread into Africa?

Islam began to spread in Africa in the seventh century, the same century in which Quran revelation by God to Prophet Muhammad started.

Did Islam originate in west Africa and spread to the Middle East?

No. The exact opposite occurred. Islam originated in the Middle East and spread to West Africa in the subsequent centuries.

What route did islam travel from the starting point of africa?

The Spread of Islam traveled on the Silk road from the starting point of Africa.

What religion spread from the Arabian peninsula to Africa beginning in the ad 600s?

Islam was the religion that spread from the Arabian Peninsula to Africa.

What major world religion spread from Arabia to Africa?
