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they didn't want to do away with slavery Lincons on mouth in one of his speaches said that if he could bring the South back into the union he would not do away with salavery

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Q: What was the republican party's view on slavery on the eve of civil war?
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What was George Read's view on slavery?

He was anti-slavery

What did James Kirke Paulding do to support his view of slavery?

He writted his book "Slavery in the United States" (1836) to express his view.

Why did the us government support slavery?

During the many years that led up to the American Civil War, the United States government generally supported slavery for two reasons: First, the institution of slavery had been accepted as normative (by a significant minority of Americans, perhaps even by a slight majority) at the time that the nation was founded. Second, a significant proportion of citizens and government officials continued to view slavery as acceptable even as the nation grew and changed during the 19th century.

What did republican barry goldwater view as an internal danger to freedom?

The New Deal welfare state

How did Abraham Lincoln represent republican principles during the Lincoln-doughlas debates?

As a candidate for the senate seat held by Democrat Stephen Douglas, Republican Abraham Lincoln provided a moderate position on the issue of slavery. He did this because earlier in the 1850's the radical Republican view that slavery needed to be abolished at once throughout the nation was just "too radical" for many citizens to bear. Lincoln was opposed to the national sovereignty policy created by Douglas. The result of this policy, which Douglas did not approve, was the violence it created in Kansas. There as per the Act passed by Congress, people would vote as to whether the state would be a free one or a slave state. It must be noted however, that although most Republicans and even Democrats in Illinois did not believe slavery was "Just", Lincoln and Douglas believed at that time that Blacks were not equal to whites.

Related questions

What were the North's view on civil war?

slavery is bad

Was Kentucky against slavery or for slavery during the Civil War?

It was a Northern State that was pro slavery and anti Confederacy. It did not view the civil war as a slave issue. It considered the civil war a states rights issue.

What were the Federalists' views on slavery and states' rights?

This is an important issue! Since most of them were from the North, they generally didn't care for it. Before Madison went democratic-republican, he felt that Slavery was an awful thing and would taint the nation in world view. It was the republican south that really wanted slavery.

What view did the new Republican Party and Free-Soil party share?

They wanted to keep slavery out of the territories

What new state emerged during the civil war because of its view on slavery?

West Virginia

The amendment which abolished slavery and involuntary servitude was the?

This excerpt expresses the view of the post-Civil War period held by

How did the north and south view the civil war before the fighting began?

there are tons of other websites that will give you that answer but the main reason was because of slavery issues between the north and the south. the north was anti slavery and the south was pro slavery.

How does Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel Uncle Tom's Cabin relate to the Civil War?

When the book was published it gave a view of slavery that hasn't been given before and caused people to discuss and think about slavery. This took place just before the start of the civil war and contributed to the discussion about how to abolish slavery.

What were the 3 views on slavery at the time of the civil war?

The Abolitionist view - that it was a sin against humanity. The planters' view - that it was a God-given arrangement of man and master. The average Northerner's view - that it was acceptable in its traditional heartlands, but shouldnt be extended.

What was George Read's view on slavery?

He was anti-slavery

Assess the view that anti civil rights groups and continued discrimination held back the progression of African American civil rights 1865-1980?

The Democrat Party blocked every effort at civil rights legislation. It was the Republican Party that pushed it through!

What was the southern state view towards slavery?

the were pro slavery