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Once appointed the term was indefinite but could be terminated for malfeasance or other crimes.

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Q: What was the term of office for senators in the Roman Republic?
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How long is a roman republic tribunes term of office?

one year.

What is the term of office for representatives in the What is the term of office for representatives in the Roman Republic?

There were no 'representatives' in today's sense of the political term. There was a senate to which were appointed ex-consuls and ex-tribunes of the plebs after their term of office had expired.

How many years did roman elected officials served?

There were elected officials during the period of the Roman Republic. Their term of office was one year, except for the censors, whose term of office was 18 months.

In the roman republic who were the consuls?

In the Roman Republic the consuls were the two top officials. They had the ultimate responsibility for the running of the government for their one year term of office although they had lesser officials with specific duties under them.

What is the term in office for senators?

6 years

A senators term in office?

(in the US) 6 years.

Why does senator not have a set term?

Senators DO have a set term of office. They can be re-elected.

What is a term for a leader of the roman republic?

It's a tossup between Julius Caesar and Octavian. Julius Caesar was the last single leader of the Roman republic. However the republic did not abruptly end at his death. The second triumvirate was formed, which was a legally appointed trio with each man having equal power. When the triumvirate fell apart and Octavian came out on top, he technically became the last leader of the republic, making it much easier for him to form the principate.

What is the normal term in office for state senators and assembly members?

Term of office is six years for state senators, with one-third being elected every two years. Term of office for assembly members is two years.

How long is a senators trem of office?

6 year term

What was the term of office for the roman tribunes?

The term of office for the Roman tribunes, as for all other elected officials, was one year.

What caused each change in Romes government the roman republic?

The government of the Roman Republic changed automatically. The consuls, the two heads of the Republic, were elected annually. The one-year term of office meant that the government changed annually. The Republic did not have a centralised form of executive government, like an administration or a cabinet. There were five types of elected officers of state who acted independently within the remit of their office.