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First answer: The Eastern front and Western front. The Eastern front: Germans attacked in Moscow. Soviets counterattacked and forced Germans to retreat.

The Western front: Under General Eisenhower, the Allied forces took on Operation Overlord to invade the Nazi occupied parts of Europe. Operation Overlord was the start of D-Day.

Second Improved answer: There were actually three fronts when you include the Mediterranean/Italian Front. This front began in North Africa, then to Sicily & on to Italy. The Allies fought there way north up the boot of Italy into the southern Alps towards Austria & Germany.

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The USSR from the east and the British and Americans from the west and south, surrounded the third Reich making it hard for Hitler to deal with all the treats.

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Q: What was the two front allied strategy used to defeat Hitler?
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What was the two-front allied strategy used to defeat Hitler?

"Europe First" strategy

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Opening a third front (Front, Flank, and Rear).

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Hitler halted his troops so that supplies could be sent to the Germans soliders on the Russian front Hitler started fighting on two fronts one with Russia and other with Africa.

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The defeat of Germany was the top priority of the Allies because it was believed that Germany's defeat would assure the defeat of Italy and Japan. The defeat of Italy or Japan would not necessarily assure the defeat of Germany.

What were the causal themes of D Day and the opening of a second world war?

D Day was the invasion of Europe by Allied forces (France, Belgium, England, US, Canada and many other smaller nations) to start a second front to defeat Germany who occupied most of Europe at that time except Italy and Russia East of Stalingrad. It was the beginning of the end for the Axis powers and eventually lead to the suicide of Hitler and the defeat of the Nazi's.

Why was World War 2 fought on 2 fronts?

The term two-front war refers specifically to the European Theater of War. Up until D-Day, the only land front between the Axis and Allied powers was the eastern front between Russia and Germany. The strategy behind D-Day was to open a second front against the Germans and relieve pressure on the Russians. Allied leaders hoped a second front would put stress on Germany and strain their resources. After D-Day, Germany was essentially fighting agaisnt two armies, the Russians in the east and the other allied powers to the west. The strategy worked well and after opening the second front Germany was defeated about a year later. The term two-front war refers to these two fronts the Germans faced and the strategy devised to bring about the end of the war.

Why was quickly defeating France a key element of Germany's military strategy before the World War I?

Germany needed to defeat France on the Western front before Russia could prepare to attack on the Eastern front. in addition, by defeating France, it would France's military from the war and push the forces of England out of Europe.

Why did they start the battle of the bulge?

nobody knows why the battle started but they think because Hitler The Germans made a surprise attack 16 December 1944 against the Allied Forces on the Western Front.

Why is the german defeat at Stalingrad considered to be the defeat of germany that became inevitable?

Once Hitler invaded The Soviet Union, he started a two front war. He was fighting Great Britain on one side, and The Soviet Union on the other. Eventually it was going to catch up to him.

What war front did Hitler and the Nazis fight on?

Hitler did not fight on any front in WWII, but Nazis fought on the Eastern front,(Russia) and western front. In WW I Hitler fought on the western front, but as I remember it he was not a combat vet, he ran messages.

What was the significance of the allied invasion at Normandy?

The Normandy Invasion opened the Second Front in Europe, putting Hitler in a vise between Russian forces advancing from the East and the Anglo-French-American forces in the West.