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At the end of - and after - World War 1 there were all kinds of conspiracy theories circulating in Germany as 'explanations' for Germany's defeat. One of the most popular was the 'stab-in-the-back legend', which claimed that Germany hadn't been defeated on the battlefield but had been betrayed on the homefront by subversives - organized labour unions, socialists, Communists and Jews. This urban legend was particularly popular among hardline nationalists, especially in Bavaria. At the same time there were all kinds of far-fetched, fanciful claims that 'the Jews' were a group of Communists trying to take over the world, starting with Germany. The whole thing was complete rubbish, but this kind of stuff brought Hitler cheers in the beer-halls of Bavaria. He made a belief in these bizarre theories his hallmark.

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What was hitlers reall name?


Adolf Hitlers Christian names?

His full name and Christian name is Adolf Hitler.

What is adolf Hitlers dads name?

Alois Hitler.

Who is Adolf Hitlers mom?

Her name was Klara Hitler.

What is adolf hitlers hair color?

Dark brown

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