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Yo mama...hehe I got no clue I'm only in 7th grade. Chicken nuggets are really good though. Oh and U CAN SUCK MY DICK

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They were afraid of a too powerful central or federal government....


Charlie Horse was here:P

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gave too much power to the federal goverment

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Q: What were Anti-Federalist objections to the Constitution?
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What did the antifederalist objections to the ratification lead to?

addition of a bill of rights : D

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The element of the Constitution most representative of the antifederalist perspective is the?

The Bill of Rights

Was john jay a antifederalist?

No John Jay was not an antifederalist...he was one of three people to write the federalist papers advocating the ratification of the constitution. James Madison wrote the Virginia Plan, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights...

Patriot whose initial objections to the Constitution eventually led to the first ten amendments?

Sam Adams is the patriot who made objections about the Constitution. His objections led to the creation of the first ten amendments.

What was primary objection of the antifederalist to ratification of the Constitution?

they believed the rights of the people were not protected.

Who argued the Constitution could be changed if problems arose?

The antifederalist argued about the constition

Who is considered the leading Antifederalist?

There were several antifederalists. Jefferson was considered the leading antifederalist. Other antifederalists include Patrick Henry and George Mason. Antifederalists opposed the constitution.

Why did the federalist have to promise to add a bill of rights to the Constitution in order to get it ratified?

Antifederalist fears that the Constitution would destroy liberties.

Explain why antifederalist opposed ratification of constitution?

Relate the glorious revolution of 1688 to the first 10 amendments to the us constitution. What did they have in common?

How did the anti-federalists' philosophy shape their objections to the constitution?

It didn't.

What Virginia antifederalist leader who thought Constitution spelled the end of liberty and equality?

Alexander Hamilton