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Germany and Austria were never ONE nation, but austria was a part of austria-Hungary. austria might have been part of the German empire way back in the middle ages.

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Q: What were Germany and Austria called when they were one nation?
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Austria Hungary did not become one nation after World War 1.

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Well, World War One and World War Two have both been called "The Great War." This is posted in the WW2 section, so I'll answer this as if you were referring to it. Germany declared war on Poland, technically starting the war. Britain and France were allied with Poland, so they declared war on Germany, and the rest is history.

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At the beginning of world war one the central powers was called the triple alliance and consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy.

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1918-1934 That answer is rubbish! Austria was part of Germany until 1866. Germany untied with Austria as allies in World War One, and in World War Two, Hitler formed an 'Anschluss', or pact, giving over power of Austria to him, so technically Austria was never invaded by Germany, because they allied with Germany.

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The neighboring countries of Switzerland are: *France *Germany *Austria *Italy By Chris Rabe(the one and only,I think) Plus Liechtenstein.

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The Holocaust was not localized to one city or even one nation. The victims of the Nazi genocide of WW2 were exterminated in Holland, Poland, Germany, Austria, France, and the Ukraine, but may also not have been limited to these nations.

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Germany annexed Austria in 1938 one year before WWII. The name of the annexation was called Anschluss.