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They were facing the stubbornness, wantonness and cruelty of Pharaoh.

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Q: What were the Hebrew people facing at the beginning of exodus?
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Who feed the people in the exodus?

In Exodus god provided manna for the Hebrew people.

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Why was the Exodus a signifigant event in Hebrew history?

because moses let his people out of Egypt

What were Hebrew people called after the exodus?

They were still called Hebrews or Hebrew people. But they were also called Israelites or the Children of Israel.

Why were the Hebrew laws created?

The Hebrew laws are contained in the Torah. God gave us the Torah (Exodus 24:12) as a manifestation of His covenant with us (Exodus ch.19), to make us a holy people.

Where did the Hebrew people establish a kingdom at the end of the Exodus from Egypt?

In the land of Israel (formerly Canaan).

What figure leads the ancient israelites in exodus from Egypt?

Moses lead the Hebrew people out of Egypt.

What proof is there that Moses identified with the Hebrew people?

A:There is no proof that Moses even existed and, in fact, the overwhelming consensus of scholars is that the events ofthe Book of Exodus never really occurred. So, we can not look for proof of anything about Moses. However, there is evidence in the Book of Exodus that Moses identified with the Hebrew people, because of his willingness to risk his life by killing the Egyptian in retaliation for his ill-treatment of the Hebrews (Exodus 2:11-12). This event is not proof if it probably never occurred, the view of most scholars, but if we choose to accept the Book of Exodus as a historical record then this shows that Moses identified with the Hebrew people.

What is the major theme of Exodus?

The Hebrew people being led out of Egypt by their prophet Moses; being given the laws of G-d by G-d; learning obedience; and the beginning of the journey to the promised land.

Why is Exodus an appropriate name for this book of the Bible?

Because it narrates, among other things, the events of the Israelite enslavement in Egypt and their exodus (egress) from there.See also: the wider picture:

What event in Hebrew history does Passover celebrate?

The Hebrew people sprayed blood on the door of their houses in Egypt, and the angel passed by these houses. and the first born escaped. But the egyptians did not have it on their doors so their first born was slain.

Who became known as israel in the beginning of the hebrew people?

Jacob became known as Israel in the Book of Genesis.