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Well adam was the first to sit in the garden of eden and was mad by god himself eve was also made by god but also the reason adam and eve don't sit in eden anymore she listen to a devilish snake and disobeyed god adam did the same eve bit from the forbidden fruit and told adam to and that made god mad that they didn't listen to what he said.

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Not so sure what you are asking with 'historical' issues as God created the man Adam and transferred Him to the Garden Eden created for him. God walked and taught Adam in all His ways and Laws so the man could have this knowledge when deciding/choosing via his 'free will.' The same was eventually so with Eve though she may have learned via Adam - The Bible is basically silent here.

The time period of this learning process is not given though some biblical scholars suggest it to be a 'full cycle' which is about 19 years in the calendar used by the Israelites. Given this history then, both were set to manage the Garden and its occupants. They were allowed to eat of any tree except one - the 'tree of the knowledge of good and evil.' Subsequently, Eve was deceived by the evil one disguised as a serpent (snake) into eating of the only forbidden fruit. She gave it to Adam who disobeyed God's instructions (Law). God addressed the serpent along with the man and woman - banning them from the Garden and setting them on their path of deciding right from wrong as they had chosen.

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Q: What were the historical issues for Adam and Eve in relationship with God?
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Obedience was crucial to their relationship. The relationship was damaged when they disobeyed.

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If you believe the story of Adam and Eve to be a myth then it has no relevance at all. But if you believe the story to be true then it has great relevance. Because the story tells how man's relationship with God, the creator and sustainer of life, was broken when Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Also everybody born since Adam and Eve is born without a relationship with God.

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Adam and Eve were created by Jehovah (God).

What is the name of a video about Adam and Eve?

There are three movies that deal directly with Adam and Eve; they are The Bible: In The Beginning, The Sin of Adam And Eve and The Creation: Adam And Eve. There are several movies that have excerpts of the story of Adam and Eve but they are only reference points.

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God still loved them. God kicked them out of the "garden" not His life. Adam and Eve's disobedience came as no surprise to God. God instructed Adam and Eve how they could maintain their relationship with Him - through a blood sacrifice.

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While the whole story of Adam and Eve is not referred to as the Fall, the section where they disobeyed God is so called because this was when sin entered into the perfect world. Sin and all its effects are degenerative in nature. Formerly, the world was a perfect place and Adam and Eve were in a perfect relationship with God. When sin entered the world, this relationship was then broken. They had fallen from perfection and grace.