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The French and Indian War was expensive. To help pay for it, Britain began taxing American colonists. In 1764, the British Parliament passed the Sugar Act, which levied taxes on molasses and sugar. Some colonists objected to this tax. Because they did not have a representative in Parliament, they did not believe that Britain had a right to tax them. "No taxation without representation!" was the cry.

Because the sugar tax was collected at ports, it was easily circumvented. Indirect taxes such as these were also much less visible to the consumer.

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Q: What were the important features and effects of the Sugar Act?
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The Sugar Act was passed by British Parliament on April 5, 1764. This act put a tax on imported sugar. The Act was repealed two years later, in 1766, but the effects of the Act were felt long after. The Sugar Act was only one of many laws passed by Parliament that caused unease among Americans. Eventually, with the later Stamp Act, the American colony began actively revolting against being taxed without having a voice in Parliament, and the riots eventually led to the American Revolution.

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