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Are you in Applehanz's AP World History class? I am too. I have no idea. Sorry I can't actually help. I just thought that this was cool. I'm in 2nd hour. The reason I think you are is because this is the exact wording of the question on Portfolio questions, minus the correct punctuation.

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Q: What were the major development in the America's especially the Mayas Aztecs Incans prior to the journey of Columbus?
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Related questions

How was Columbus journey?

Columbus' journey was 3 months and 9 days long from Spain to the Americas.

Where did Columbus believe he was going and what effect did his journey have on the Americas?

Columbus was trying to find an eastern route to India when he ran into the western hemisphere instead. This journey led to the discovery of the New World which later was names the Americas.

Who is Isabella of Castile?

The First Queen of Spain. She sent Columbus on the journey to the Americas

How long was Columbus journey?

Christopher Columbus made a total of four trips to the Caribbean and to South America in the years of 1492-1504.

What did Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand do during their rule?

they let columbus have money and journey to the americas 4 times

What country gave Christopher Columbus the money to buy his ships for his journey to America?

The queen of Spain gave him the money to get to the Americas.

What impression of the Americas does Columbus seem to be trying to convey?

Columbus tried to convey the Americas as an exotic, interesting place. He wanted to report back favorably to the Spanish who funded his journey, and entice the Spanish to come to America and colonize or explore.

What country financed Christopher Columbus' exploration?

Spain financed Columbus' journey to find a water route to India. Columbus was convinced he found India when landing in the Carribean but really he had found the Americas'

What did Columbus say in his diary?

Columbus documented his journey to the Americas in his diary, noting details about the new lands, people he encountered, and his thoughts and observations. He wrote about his interactions with Indigenous populations, geographic discoveries, and his intentions to find a new route to Asia. Columbus's diary provides insight into the early European exploration of the Americas.

What describes the way Western European leaders reacted to Christopher Columbus's journey to the Caribbean?

They quickly began sending their own explorers and colonists to the Americas.

Why did Christopher Columbus receive recognition for discovering America as opposed to Leif Erickson?

Knowledge of Leif's journey was buried in some old Icelandic Sagas. Columbus landing in North America began the colonization of the Americas.

How did the voyages of Columbus differ from earlier voyages to the Americas?

he was the first explorer to have a written record of his journey