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The Spanish-American War contained many major and subtle events, including:

1895: Cuban nationalists revolt against Spanish rule. They wished to be free as a country and as a people. Rebellion was widespread throughout Cuba.

1896: Spanish General Weyler (the "Butcher") comes to Cuba. Don Valeriano Weyler y Nicolau, Marquis of Tenerife, Duke of Rubí, Grandee of Spain, was a Spanish general. He served as colonial administrator and as Governor General of the Philippines and Cuba. He set up the Reconcentracion policy in Cuba--- he forced peasants into working and living in deplorable conditions. By December 31, 1897, he had relocated more than 300,000 Cubans into such "reconcentration camps." Conservative leaders in Spain liked his tactics, but Liberals in Spain thought he was ruthless; in history, General Weyler is now likened to Hitler and Stalin.

1897: Spain recalls Weyler. One of Weyler's biggest supporters, Prime Minister Antonio Cánovas del Castillo, was assassinated in June 1897. Weyler immediately fell out of favor in Spain, so he resigned his post in Cuba. A more conciliatory leader, Ramón Blanco y Erena, replaced Weyler in Cuba.

Early 1898: The USS Maine sent to Cuba to protect U.S. interests during the Cuban revolt against Spain.

February 9, 1898: Hearst publishes Dupuy du Lome's letter insulting McKinley.

February 15, 1898: Surrounded in mystery, the USS Maineexploded and sank quickly. This catastrophe killed 3/4ths of the crew. Citizens of the US blamed Spain. They began the rallying cry of, "Remember the Maine, to Hell with Spain!". This spearheaded the sentiment that led to the Spanish-American War later that year.

February 25, 1898: The Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Theodore Roosevelt, sent a cable message to Commodore Dewey with plans to attack the Philippines if war with Spain breaks out.

April 11, 1898: US President McKinley approved the war with Spain. Until this point, there were lots of nasty words and messages flying back and forth, with lots of political posturing.

April 24, 1898: Spain declared war on the US.

April 25, 1898: US declared war on Spain. Everybody on each side is mad at everybody on the other side! Remember, this all began because Weyley, the Spanish leader in Cuba, had treated Cuban peasants unfairly. Now, leaders of two countries who felt the other side had treated their interests unfairly throughout US history, going back to the New World colonies when Spain owned land in the US, were ready to take this long animosity into a battle. The US was tired, historically, of feeling pushed around and they didn't want Spain to be pushing Cubans around either.

May 1, 1898: Battle of Manila Bay in the Philippines.May, 1898: Passage of the Teller Amendment.

July 1, 1898: San Juan Hill was taken by "Rough Riders".

July 3, 1898: Battle of Santiago. Spain's Caribbean fleet was destroyed! They weren't happy about this, of course.

July 7, 1898: Hawaii was "annexed", a sore point, still, for some Hawaiians.

July 17, 1898: City of Santiago surrendered to General William Shafter.

August 12, 1898: Spain signed an armistice.

August 13, 1898: US troops captured Manila

December 10, 1898: Treaty of Paris signed and the US annexed Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.

January 23, 1899: The Philippines declares itself an independent republic. Everyone is getting tired of being pushed around by outside countries. Led by Emilio Aguinaldo, the new Filipino government fights a guerrilla war against the US that lasts longer than the Spanish-American War itself.

February 6, 1899: The Senate passes The Treaty of Paris.

1900: The Foraker Act was declared and it approved some self-government to be allowed in Puerto Rico.

1901: Supreme Court Insular Cases.

March 1901: Emilio Auginaldo (March 23, 1869 - February 6, 1964) was a Filipino revolutionary and politician. He was officially recognized as the First President of the Philippines from 1899 to 1901.

1901: The Platt Amendment was proposed, and passed March 2, 1903. It set out seven conditions for the withdrawal of United States troops who had remained in Cuba at the end of the Spanish-American War. The Eighth provision was that Cuba has to accept the 7 conditions.

1902: The US withdrew from Cuba. So in 1902, Cuba became formally independent. Cubans didn't want to be pushed around anymore. But the US could still keep control over Cuba somewhat through embargoes etc. which continued until 2015!!

1917: The US grants US citizenship to Puerto Ricans.

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4 Causes of the war:

- Cuba was sympathetic to Cuba, and thought they should be independent from Spain.

- US wanted to protect it's business interests with Cuba

-The sinking of the U.S.S. Maine (Press blamed Spain for it's explosion)

- Yellow journalism

Fighting during the war

Teddy (Theodore) Roosevelt organized a volunteer regiment call the Rough Riders, an untrained entity.

Buffalo Soldiers ~ an all African American war group

The war lasted for 4 months.

Results of the war:

- Cuba gains it's independence from Spain

- US gains 3 provinces (Puerto Rico, Philippines, and Guam)

- US becomes a world power

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Cuba as a major battlefield, Cuban Independence and the long war called the Philippine American War.

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