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um well if i knew this answer, why would i be searching it? lets just say i dont remember what happened so im going to have to keep searching for the answer to this question.

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Q: What were the political changes between the British and colonists after the French and Indian war?
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What problems arose from changes in british policy toward the colonies in the 1760s?

The British changed their economic and political policies towards the colonists from 1763 to 1775 because of the rebellion shown by the colonists. The British tried to impose their financial burden due to British wars on the colonists via various ways including taxes but the colonists rebelled.

What was the relationship between the French and Indian War and changes in British policy toward America?

The British now controlled territories in the Ohio River Valley and they forbade the colonists to expand into these lands. The French and Indian War had been costly, and this changed the attitude of King George and Parliament about the colonists. They now believed it was time for the colonists to pay for their protection, and to enrich English coffers.

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The monarchy or the executive branch of government lost the most power during the political changes of the 1770s and 1780s. This culminated in the American Revolution, where the colonists fought for independence from British rule and sought to establish a democratic system with limited executive power. The monarch's authority was replaced with the creation of a new government structure, separating powers into legislative, executive, and judicial branches.

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Land acquisition, political changes, and and economic burdens.

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Discrimination of those who were not Anglicans were some of the changes in England that helped motivate the colonists to settle in North America.

What changes in england helped motivate colonists to settle in north america-?

Discrimination of those who were not Anglicans were some of the changes in England that helped motivate the colonists to settle in North America.

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The British government gradually extended the right to vote to most men.

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